But, What’s the Matter with That?!

I have to post a bunch of songs I heard a while back so I can talk about the song I heard yesterday:

I mindlessly play Solitaire or 3D Tile Match on my phone constantly! Usually, it’s when my Mom is resting, and I have taken my contacts day. my eyes get tired of having my contacts in so I’ve rest them after I watch a movie with my Mom.

All of this mindless busy work games that I play that really is just helping my hand-eye coordination because that is drastically changing a little bit too quickly for my comfort!

I have been listening to, Sheryl Crow No one Said it would be Easy a lot this month, and I also have been listening to Ne-Yo Miss Independent.

After Sheryl Crow is finished, other songs will randomly play. My Mom has always said that I like, “Wah, wah cry-cry music.” Hearing what songs came on after songs that I purposely play I think it’s kind of true:

The first two songs, I was in school and this last one I was already a teacher, but I guess it’s kind of true. Then I heard these songs last night:

So, last night just before I was about to brush my teeth, I played Sheryl Crow again, but these two gems came on:

I heard the opening bars of that song, and I said to my Mom, “WE have to wait a moment because I NEED to hear this song!”

So, I guess that I listen to ‘wah wah cry-cry music,’ but what’s the matter with that?!

A Theme from Back When I was More Able-Bodied

Yesterday I thought of a song that I hadn’t heard in a very long time so I had to play it and I was immediately taken back to my second apartment and test driving my black Malibu back when I could still drive with my feet:

I listened to this song on Apple Music because if I just listen to it on YouTube, it starts to cut out this late at night. Naturally, it went into a similar song and that one’s my jam too!!!! Tal?!!!!:

Today was day one of ‘go time,’ but this month, I won’t go back to the dermatologist until next Friday. So, it’s go time, but not really! I restart speech services next Tuesday. I see her virtually. It’s a little bit unreal how difficult it is to speak?! As I was sitting in my salon to get my haircut, and my eyebrows waxed, the theme kind of continued, and I heard this song and it reminded me of my teaching days:

I’m not sure that I heard the one that has Jay Z in it, but I know Alicia Keys was in it and I just kinda liked how it was all a theme back when I was more able-bodied…

As Per Usual

Well, this evening, my Mom and I watched the live action, The Little Mermaid:

As per usual, I was once again late to the party! I knew what to expect, because Facebook friends had written reviews when the movie first came out. My Mom asked me if I was going to eat dinner while I was watching the movie because I normally don’t watch new movies while I am eating dinner because I have to concentrate on both things but I can’t concentrate doing them both together.

I assured her that I KNOW the movie! I can’t count the number of times we would sing songs from this movie with both Shannon and Natalie growing up!!! Overall, both my Mom and I liked the movie but I must say that it did not hold the candle to the animated release in 1989 because that movie is my jam!!! 41 year old Jen cannot belt the songs out but she still knows all of the words!!!

Rando Tune #53

I heard John Legend singing this song in my head few days ago as I was on the verge of falling to sleep in the early hours of the morning. I remember that it was a duet, but I couldn’t remember who it was with.

I thought of that again today, what I hear is John Legend Saying “shoeyou a safe place to land” I just searched it, and the duet is with Sara Bareilles?! Of course it is!!! And here is the song:

Low and Behold

I’ve been searching for this song for three days! Ever since I saw, The Secret: Dare to Dream.

I was trying to find a lyric I could search for to get the song and I wasn’t having any luck, so then I searched: “What song is the woman singing when Bray is fixing Miranda‘s roof?”

And low and behold:

I’ve decided that I really like that movie and my Mom hasn’t seen the whole thing through since the first time we watched it but I’m OK with putting that on. Repeat!

“Grandfather and Abuela’s Song”

The other day, when I talked to Sean about my “Daddy” playlist, he told me that there were two songs that I was missing from that playlist. I was surprised and I asked him, “Which songs?” He simply said, “The Jetplane song.”

I gasped because I could not believe that I forgot that song! I searched for it as we were still talking on the phone. I found it and then put it into the playlist and let me ’splain ya about that song:

The song he was talking about is Peter Paul and Mary. Leaving on the Jet Plane.
That song was a special song to my Parents when my Dad left for Vietnam. I have known that song since I was a child!!!

Sean knows that song because we lived with my Parents until Sean was three years old and I was in college. I graduated with my undergraduate degree on May 1, 2005. We moved out on our own on August 1, 2005.

I was studying to be a teacher and I read parenting magazines all of the time. I was MORE THAN AWARE of the importance of reading to my child!!! I read to him every night! Sometimes as many as three books! What I realize now is that I was so exhausted because MS was raging through my body that sometimes I could only read one book or sometimes two.

On those days, because Sean was still awake, I would ask him if he wanted to hear, “Grandfather, and Abuela’s song?” by asking that, if he agreed, I would sing Peter Paul, and Mary’s song, sometimes up to three times until Sean was asleep.

I could just lay in bed with my eyes closed and sing until Sean was asleep. I listened to that song tonight before I started writing and it brought me to tears! It brought me to tears because I no longer can sing. I don’t have enough strength to get enough air into my lungs to let it come out sounding good.

I cried about that tonight, and my Mom said to me when she saw me crying, and I told her that I can no longer sing, she said,”You are still Sean‘s mom” and I know that she is right but today, I kind of wish that I could still sing!:

Because I Played it 10 Million Times!

I have written before how I shared a playlist with my oldest nephew, not too long ago. He asked me about a playlist that I made for my Dad. I made it for my Dad’s 55th birthday and I gave him 55 singles to commemorate the day. I did not think that in less than three months, he would be gone.

Right after I sent that to my nephew, I sent it to my son just so he would have it as well. Yesterday, he decided to tell me about myself, and he said that I shared that playlist with my nephew. Before he said anything more, I told him that I sent that playlist to him as well that same day, and he should look for it!

He told me to send it to him again so I did, but I told him that I added two Toby Keith songs for my Mom because we listened to Toby Keith a lot after my Dad died! Then I told Sean that I added two songs for me. Maroon 5 and U2.

He called me when he was driving home and he told me that he did not recognize the Maroon 5 song and he waited until Adam Levine started singing, and then he said, “I’ve heard that song 10 million times!” And I just responded with, “Because I played it 10 million times!”: