But, What’s the Matter with That?!

I have to post a bunch of songs I heard a while back so I can talk about the song I heard yesterday:

I mindlessly play Solitaire or 3D Tile Match on my phone constantly! Usually, it’s when my Mom is resting, and I have taken my contacts day. my eyes get tired of having my contacts in so I’ve rest them after I watch a movie with my Mom.

All of this mindless busy work games that I play that really is just helping my hand-eye coordination because that is drastically changing a little bit too quickly for my comfort!

I have been listening to, Sheryl Crow No one Said it would be Easy a lot this month, and I also have been listening to Ne-Yo Miss Independent.

After Sheryl Crow is finished, other songs will randomly play. My Mom has always said that I like, “Wah, wah cry-cry music.” Hearing what songs came on after songs that I purposely play I think it’s kind of true:

The first two songs, I was in school and this last one I was already a teacher, but I guess it’s kind of true. Then I heard these songs last night:

So, last night just before I was about to brush my teeth, I played Sheryl Crow again, but these two gems came on:

I heard the opening bars of that song, and I said to my Mom, “WE have to wait a moment because I NEED to hear this song!”

So, I guess that I listen to ‘wah wah cry-cry music,’ but what’s the matter with that?!