
I just checked the stats on my blog and it told me that my total views as of right now is 29,930!?! Next November is my 10th anniversary and I’m kind of blown away that that many people will read what I have written. Almost 30,000 people?!

On a different note, today is October 28, 2022. I think it is a sign of my disease progression and the fact that I can no longer regulate my body temperature because I’m wearing a winter hat for the first time with this winter and it’s not even winter yet?!

Today worked out to be a ‘no contact wearing’ day and I do not know what’s going on with my right eye! It looks kind of buggy! I see my neural ophthalmologist November 17. Maybe something’s going on with it now?!

Rando Tune #32


It came out in 2012 and then, I was living in my house already, wake me up for work at 4:30 AM to be ready at 7:30 AM. I think my disease was beginning to get away from me that’s how I missed it! This DEFINITELY would’ve been one of my jams if I wasn’t trying so hard (and losing) at keeping my health!!!

#MyGirlL: She Missed it!!!

My Mom took this picture of Leia this morning and she took it just after a bunny who was hiding beneath the leaves right under her nose, scurried out and that picture is her realizing that she missed it!:

I really like this picture of Leia! She looks so shiny! She has switched over fully to her new food which is salmon and grain. The best part about this fact is that it is $60 cheaper than her last food!!! I was able to swing that for an entire year and it has gotten pretty expensive with inflation; but it’s looking like I won’t have to anymore!

#MyGirlL: To the Rescue!

I had a choking spell today. This one made me a little bit nervous! I had to beep my horn to get my Mom to come and pull me forward by grabbing both of my hands and pulling me forward until I caught my breath.

This choking spell really made me nervous But as I caught my breath and started to breathe easier, I saw that Leia was right by my side! She is beautiful!!! When I sufficiently caught my breath, and my Mom had left to put laundry on, I thanked her for coming to [my] Rescue!

Modified OR Deliberate

So, I have been experiencing ‘real time’ ability loss. The loss that I am currently experiencing is a little bit different than constantly dropping my pen in my last classroom where I would tell the student who sat there that they would have to pick up my pen a lot. This is MORE than that!

I think I really noticed it a few days ago and my Mom kind of got irritated until I explained to her what was going on. What I am experiencing now is more complete hand strength deterioration. I cannot hold on to basically anything now!

I was realizing that I was having a problem with my hand strength because brushing my teeth was becoming extremely difficult! I was brushing my teeth too hard so you can figure out what was happening when I spit.

I ordered an electric toothbrush last October and it ended up dying because I was holding it and pressing too hard on my teeth. Now, I have a new electric toothbrush, (that my brother bought for me) because I can’t afford another one seeing that I am on a fixed income.

But yesterday, I had to fill my pillbox. I talked about a modified pillage which was me very slowly putting each pill in its proper place. That process is extremely deliberate now so much so that Leia gives me the ‘poop face’ as I do it because it has been a couple Saturdays since I have dropped any pills.

Any movement with my hands is very deliberate now and I have been squeezing my therapy putty all year. So, I have to be deliberate whenever I am holding anything. I guess my whole life is modified now! I’m really not sure how I feel about that…

As the Crash Began…

I have completed my ‘two fer’ this month and yesterday as the crash began, my Mom put this movie on. I am situated in such a position that I remember watching her on Zoey 101 when she was like 12. Sean watched Victorious and so that means that I did too and I always liked her voice! Hearing this last night made me miss impromptu sing-alongs because that’s not in the cards anymore for me. I am reminded that recovery from here ‘two fer’ is a two day process… :

Barometric Pressure

Last night, I thought about when I bought my house and how my light switches had to be switched out. I was going to write a whole long story about the reasons for changing out my light switches but it’s raining today and it is cold! The barometric pressure is no joke!

I hope that I will remember what I was going to write about soon because this pressure is horrible!!! My body feels awful!!! As I said watching Hocus Pocus, I had to just groan multiple times because the feeling in my body was and is too much to handle!!!

I especially do not like it because tomorrow it’s ‘go time!’ I will crash on Thursday night but may be all right about it by the weekend…

Oh, How Times Have Changed…

I think it was a couple years ago when Sean was here when I was taking my contacts out. I was having difficulty just like I had just now.

It was a simple statement of how things used to be and it kind of give me a tinge of sadness. It was just an offhanded comment. He told me that he remembers when I would use my nails to pop my contacts out of my eyeball.

I did used to do that! In our apartments! When I was young, I used to buy my nails but then I stopped when I was about 12 because I wanted to polish my nails. I am blessed with good genes for nail growing. Everything else, not so much but my nails used to grow pretty long! I would just let them grow until one broke and then I would cut all of my nails down to the nub and start over.

When Sean made that comment that really meant nothing but for me, I used to do that and now things are so different! I keep my nails cut down to the nub all of the time now! I get my nails cut every other Monday unless it gets difficult to take my contacts out, in that case, I will have my Mom cut my nails earlier.

I thought about Sean‘s random comment today, this evening, when I was having difficulty removing my contacts. They are out now so I can write a blog post. Oh, how the times have changed… This all is really big and a little bit scary!!!