5.16.18. Yanni OR Tune #2 Inspired by GMFB

I heard, “Yanny” all morning and I had my mom listen and she also heard, ”Yanny.” I played the recording for Sean when he got home and when I did; I heard, “Laurel.”   Looks like I have super powers just like JJ Watt! But, I did see gold and white AND blue and black with that dress so… It’s simple! I’m a superhero.

When the breakfast table was choosing venues for ”Whiteboard Wednesday,” my interest was piqued because Peter Schrager t chose the Acropolis because of Yanni. On that second broadcast I saw that he heard, “Yanny” also!   I remembered the hair and the mustache from my youth but I searched it on YouTube because I did not know anything about his music. I came across this one:

Someone had played this piece for me a few years ago and I thought it was sad. My mom came by as I was playing the video clips and she thought this was sad too. It’s no wonder I didn’t know anything about his music when I was a kid! I actually think I may have to listen to some of it because I’m old now!


5.15.18 Tune #1 Inspired by GMFB

This morning on Good Morning Football, Kay Adams told Peter Schrager that it was funny that somewhere in the United States someone is downloading the obscure song he referenced.  I’ve done that all the time! So many things on that show I love SO incredibly! I think the biggest thing was when Bono was on it! 😍😍😍

My take away from today was actually something Kyle Brant said.   He talked about the Waitress billboard he saw out of the window and how he wanted to see it. I remembered I listened to a song from that show a while back and I really liked it but couldn’t quite remember it. I really dig Sara Bareilles and I will have to ask my cousinT Shannon about the show, (she’s the expert on musicals!)

Now that I am in my bed (hoping to get some sleep but knowing that I probably won’t get good sleep) I looked it up on YouTube and listened to it. Now I remember why I really dug it!  This is NOT the first song I have posted here that is inspired by Good Morning Football but I think I am going to start to keep a count…  here’s #1 (Even though it’s NOT…)

May 2018 Faves

The time warp continues!

This album was released into 005 but I remember listening to it in the winter of 2006.

I used to clean my apartment to this album and so I’ve been doing my dishes and loading my crock pot to it now.   I used to get a lot more done in one run through of the album. Now, I have to play it a few times because I’ve slowed down so much. Here are my faves that I almost forgot about:

I’m not even sure what made me remember this album.

When this song was getting a lot of radio play, when we lived in our first apartment, I would listen to this song and Sean was quiet. It was probably the second or third time we heard the song that he would say right after she says that she carved her name into his leather is to seat,  “Love grandma” as if that is what she carved. I remember that we laughed and laughed!

It’s a different time warp but, I’m also listening to this album on Apple Music a lot as I clean my kitchen because of that Drake song that sampled Lauren Hill that Sean listened to as we drove, I have to listen to my girl L too!:


My Girl, Lauryn

I am excited because for the last two Saturdays, Sean has driven me to church. Once I hurt my knee, I tried to continue going to church but it hurt too badly so I had to stop. I thought that after I recovered from surgery, I would make it back to church.

The continued pain in my knee has kept me away for almost a year and a half. After my appointment with Dr. Moore a couple of weeks ago, I learned that nothing will be re-injured in my knee.  It is stable and I just have to deal with the pain. What better way to deal with this pain then to get back to my spiritual home?

For me, going to church on the weekends is extremely important!  For years, Sean and I have been going to mass in the early evening on Saturdays.   I started going on Saturdays probably when Sean was in fourth grade and started track. His track meets were extremely long (he threw shotput which was at the nine am and ran the boys’ relay which was the very last event  at around four).

I would be there from nine in the morning to four in the evening. Most of his meets were at Divine Child because they had/have a good track.   It worked out easily for me just to have him push me over to the church when we left the track. I liked it a lot too because that meant I could sleep in on Sundays.

Because he’s driving,  We listen to what he wants. He plugs in his phone and we listen to his Apple Music play lists. I’m not a huge fan of his music! And he has told me that, “You never know how many swearwords are in a song that you really like until you are listening to that song with your mom.”

That is SO true!  I just skip to the next song after I hear three inappropriate things. He put on a new Drake song  when we left after mass and I immediately dug it!  I dug it because it had a sample of Lauryn Hill.   I had him play the song again and he’s asked me why because it has, “inappropriate words” in it. I told him that I wasn’t listening to the Drake part at all, I was just listening to my girl Lauryn! The song that Drake sampled, was my jam back in high school.

He told me that two of his friend’s moms like that song too and I responded with, “OF COURSE!  IT’S LAURYN HILL!!! He went out with his friends tonight and I am not putting that Drake song on my blog because it has bad words in it but I will put my girl, Lauryn, on so here it is!:

I HAVE to get reacquainted with this album!!!:

“Nothing Compares 2 U”

So, I guess old habits die hard. For probably the last six or seven years, I have been waking up at 4:30 to get ready for work.   I haven’t slept well for a couple of years anyway and coupled with my constant and continuing knee pain, I don’t sleep very well now. I am usually awake early to make sure Sean is up and getting ready for school. GMFB  is on at seven so I have to be up for that anyway!

This morning, I got an alert on my phone that I just happened to check just before 6 o’clock.  This was the alert:

Sean was in the shower so I just HAD to listen to it! I had never heard it before but I remember hearing that Prince was the one to write the song.  I hadn’t heard Sinead O’Connor‘s version of this song in so long! Her version reminds me of my birthday when I had to be nine.

My brother Steve took me to Fairlane mall and bought me a birthday present. I got white pants with black polkadots and a black vest with white polkadots. We went to Friendly’s to get a  couple Reesie‘s Peanut Butter Cup parfaits.   Sinead O’Connor’s version played over the mall’s speakers as we walked to  Friendly’s.

I remembered getting these with my brothers all the time when Friendly’s was in Fairlane mall  when I was a kid. I actually texted my brother this morning to ask what those parfaits were called. He told me that there are no longer Friendly’s in Michigan but they are in Ohio and are completely worth the drive! I told him that maybe Sean  and I will have to go on a road trip!

When Sean got out of the shower and dressed and ready for school, He came into my room to help me get out of bed before he left for school. As he put my shoes on, I told him about my birthday shopping trip with Steve and described what I got.   He thought that sounded ridiculous but I told him they were the epitome of cool! Especially if I wore a white turtleneck underneath the vest!

This song has been in my head all day long! I’m going to ask my Mom for a picture of me with those pants in that vest, I’m sure one has to exist! I remember getting those parfaits and they were garnished with a Reese‘s cup and whip cream. We would lick the whip cream off the Reesie‘s cup and place it on the napkin as we ate the parfait and the dessert was the Reese‘s cup.


I saw this commercial for the first time on Monday. I wanted to write a post about it but all week I have not been feeling well. Sean left the hall light on when he left for school. I was sitting in my kitchen drinking my ginger water when I rolled into the living room to see something Kyle was saying on Good Morning Football when I saw the light.   I made a mental note to turn the light off when I finished my water. Ginger water tastes absolutely disgusting warm so I wanted to drink it all while it was cold and just out of the refrigerator.

I finished my water and rolled to the hall to turn off the light.  This commercial had just started but I was concentrating on keeping my feet elevated and off of the floor as I pushed myself to the hallway light switch.   Doing this has become increasingly more difficult.  I turned the light off and backed up just in time to see the tail end of this commercial. I heard the Arby’s guys say, “Gyro” and I laughed out loud!

I thought of my, “Heroes” Mini lesson that I taught my kids when I used to teach English, when I taught the novel, The Outsiders.

I had this really cool hand out that asked the students to write about their idea of a hero. It went along with the idea that Johnny Cade felt like a hero when he was saving the kids from the burning church.   I prefaced the lesson with these two songs:

I really liked the Foo Fighters song (reminds me of high school and Varsity Blues) and just needed another song about heroes so it wasn’t so random that I played Foo Fighters for my students. It also  illustrated the fact that everyone has different perceptions of heroes just like people have different tastes in music.  I remembered having my kids vote and no one liked Foo Fighters, they all liked the Mariah Carey song.

I saw that Arby’s commercial many times on The Football Network as I watched Good Morning Football.  I saw different versions all week! On Thursday, Sean picked us up some Arby’s for dinner. I got the turkey gyro (with no onions or tomatoes).  It was really good! Sean also brought me a mint shake because he knows that I love mint chocolate chip!   Nate wasn’t there all week on Good Morning Football. I missed him!

April 2018 Faves

So, I’m in the time warp right now.  It’s 2007 and I am living in my two bedroom apartment with my son. I would live there for two more years and buy my house in June of 2009.   I’m not sure what caused me to remember this album or even which song I remembered first but  this album was my soundtrack as I filled my crockpot and did my dishes pretty much every day. Here are some songs that I completely forgot about until the music started and I sang all the words! These songs shed light on the fact that my life was so much different in 2007. I was still able to walk with Canadian crutches and the, “Steady feet, don’t fail me now” line really got to me because it was then that I realized my feet were not being so steady and we’re on the verge of failing.

Here are the songs I dig.  Some didn’t get much, if any, radio play:

Poetry Slam

I can’t sleep. Typical.  I have been falling asleep lately to my Dad’s  Play list on Apple Music. I fall sleep to that music often.  Sometimes I cry sometimes I smile to myself. Tonight, as I heard this song:

I didn’t cry as I put his songs on shuffle and remained wide awake in my bed in my dark room.  I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately! Especially today because I would like him to be here for Seanie’s milestone of passing his road test  and would like to hear what he thinks of his glasses.  I miss him!!!

As I heard this song,  Oddly enough, I thought my African-American literature class during undergrad.   Our assignment was to perform a poetry slam to something written by an African-American poet. My professor gave the class a lot of freedom in deciding which poet’s  work we would use.   It had to be an African-American poet and we only had to check in with Dr. Pollard, my professor,  to get approval before we could perform our poetry slam.  I chose this song to recite:

I thought it was strange that I was nervous before it was my turn but this song meant a lot to me! Sean was about 1 1/2  at the time and I really had to fight back tears as I spoke the lyrics to the song in front of the class. I remember one guy was kindof a jerk said something about not liking the sentiment of my performance but I didn’t care because I got through it without crying and got a good grade.  I chose this song for Sean.   I still think the words at the beginning of this song ring true for him and me.   Back then, I placed more importance on getting married but I haven’t yet so I don’t know about the end of the song but for Seanie, this song still makes me cry.

ALMOST Forgotten Tune #17

Do you ever hear the first bars of a song that makes you pause and let out a deep breath  that you didn’t know you were holding and as the lyrics begin, you’re flooded with 1 million memories? Well, that’s this  song for me! I don’t even care that it shows my age but I haven’t heard it in so long and makes me think about how I thought my life would turn out and how differently it is now. It’s a good tune! ☺☺☺

I will have to fact check my blog to see if I’ve already posted this song but it was really cool to hear today.


My cousin, Kimmy, texted me some affirmations this morning because she read my blog post from yesterday and I seemed a bit down!  Yesterday was a bit of a low point for me I suppose. My mom came over this morning to help me  get ready for the day and I was laughing when she came in. I’ll post later about why I was laughing but with Kimmy‘s texts and my laughter, I wanted to make today a better day!

I checked my Facebook alerts on my phone when I was ready for the day and the admin of my favorite MS support group posted this:

She wished us a happy Friday and I listened to it as I was got my things together to make my garlic tea. (I drink it for health reasons).  This song brings back a flood of memories from high school, when I was carefree and able-bodied. I played the song a few times as I got my garlic tea together.  I chose not to think negatively today so I  allowed myself to just think about all the happy memories from high school as this song played. The radio play for this song some 18 years ago was this version :

I remember driving around with my friends and yelling the part, “Karen, I love you!” as we drove. I don’t drink coffee so I continued to remain seated in the sun that shone through my kitchen window as I waited for the water to boil.

I could feel the sunshine on my face! I normally hide from the sun because it will melt me but, in the safety of my home, I Just allowed myself to enjoy that feeling for a little while. It was warm and I could feel my skin tingle as the sun kissed me. I miss that feeling so much!   I knew that when I get too exhausted from that, I can just pass out in my wheelchair so that sun-kissed feeling was worth that.  It was a bit overwhelming and I cried happy tears at feeling that feeling,  even for just a short time.

As I fished the garlic out of the boiling water and added the lemon and honey, YouTube continued playing on my phone; a couple of really good songs from the 90s came on and I dug it! If I have not already, I will definitely post those songs as well.   But right now, because I’m done with my tea and I’m feeling a little exhausted from those few minutes in the sun, I’ll have to close my eyes for a bit…