My Girl, Lauryn

I am excited because for the last two Saturdays, Sean has driven me to church. Once I hurt my knee, I tried to continue going to church but it hurt too badly so I had to stop. I thought that after I recovered from surgery, I would make it back to church.

The continued pain in my knee has kept me away for almost a year and a half. After my appointment with Dr. Moore a couple of weeks ago, I learned that nothing will be re-injured in my knee.  It is stable and I just have to deal with the pain. What better way to deal with this pain then to get back to my spiritual home?

For me, going to church on the weekends is extremely important!  For years, Sean and I have been going to mass in the early evening on Saturdays.   I started going on Saturdays probably when Sean was in fourth grade and started track. His track meets were extremely long (he threw shotput which was at the nine am and ran the boys’ relay which was the very last event  at around four).

I would be there from nine in the morning to four in the evening. Most of his meets were at Divine Child because they had/have a good track.   It worked out easily for me just to have him push me over to the church when we left the track. I liked it a lot too because that meant I could sleep in on Sundays.

Because he’s driving,  We listen to what he wants. He plugs in his phone and we listen to his Apple Music play lists. I’m not a huge fan of his music! And he has told me that, “You never know how many swearwords are in a song that you really like until you are listening to that song with your mom.”

That is SO true!  I just skip to the next song after I hear three inappropriate things. He put on a new Drake song  when we left after mass and I immediately dug it!  I dug it because it had a sample of Lauryn Hill.   I had him play the song again and he’s asked me why because it has, “inappropriate words” in it. I told him that I wasn’t listening to the Drake part at all, I was just listening to my girl Lauryn! The song that Drake sampled, was my jam back in high school.

He told me that two of his friend’s moms like that song too and I responded with, “OF COURSE!  IT’S LAURYN HILL!!! He went out with his friends tonight and I am not putting that Drake song on my blog because it has bad words in it but I will put my girl, Lauryn, on so here it is!:

I HAVE to get reacquainted with this album!!!: