I was 5?!!!!

I had tagged all four of my brothers a few days ago because I thought I would tag them with my post about this song. If you grew up at 6020 Appoline, we know this song. I was five when it came out. I had just turned five. But Facebook is weird and I could not share it with me tagging them so I’m just going to write it in a blog post:


I was going to share this video about the song that we sang often at 6020! In my defense, I was only five years old, I was going along with everyone else. I never knew what this song was about before. It’s sobering:

I am an adult now, and I am 42 years old so I won’t even begin to tell you what my brother used to sing, I am a lady! But seeing this made me laugh…A LOT!!!

“Scripted and Scheduled”

I want to first put everyone at ease that today, I did NOT spasm while opening my supplements. Thank God! I think it’s terrible that I did yesterday so I know that it IS possible and having seen, Love and Other Drugs, I know what it looks like AND that it IS possible for me. That’s a little bit scary!

I’m not even sure what I was talking about with my Mom, but I let her know that my entire life is, “Scripted and scheduled.”

She agreed silently as I explained how my entire life is both scripted and scheduled. I do the same thing every day! I think I have been doing that for a few years now!

Actually, I first realized that I was technically homebound in December 2023, so it hasn’t been a few years. But I have been doing the same thing for a few years now! I told my Mom that I’m not upset about that because I know what’s expected of me.

So, I guess I don’t MIND my life being ‘scripted and scheduled,’ but I NEVER thought that my life would be ENTIRELY this way but that seems to be where I find myself. ‘Go Time’ is in a couple weeks. Three appointments this month so three van rentals.

My Real Life

I was not at all prepared for what 24 years of having MS would feel like. Well, it feels terrible!!! Absolutely terrible!!!

I have been telling my Mom that MS is a ‘Mother B*tch’ but she doesn’t like me saying that! But I think I call it like I see it! And it’s brutal!

I was just talking with my Mom about when I was on Canadian crutches, and I said, “To think this would end in a power chair…”

And now about all of my #NotSoRandomReposts this morning on Facebook and Twitter of my blog posts. Mornings for me are really difficult for me now, actually, mornings are nonexistent. I mean in the afternoon when I wake up, it’s really difficult.

It’s so hard to deal with my disease progression! I am just trying to deal with it as it comes, but this is what happened today:

Upon waking, I have to stay in bed for two rosaries to try to convince myself to be awake because my entire body is killing me. And when I call my Mom over, she gets me out of bed, and then the race begins.

I am extremely groggy when I wake, and when I get to the living room, I just say one word to her, “Detox.” that’s when my Mom will give me just a little bit of hot water with 10 drops of the detox in the morning and at night. I take every morning on an empty stomach. I then say a rosary because after 20 minutes of having just the detox in my system, I have to add a ‘mouthful of dirt.’ that’s the Ceylon cinnamon that I will take for the rest of my life! I then say another rosary and a divine mercy chaplet before I take my morning supplements.

This is all routine stuff for me now because we’ve been doing it for I think a little over a year now. But I was not prepared at all for what happened today, after I was done praying after taking my cinnamon, it was time for me to take my supplements.

I have to take nine of these supplements a day so I take three with each meal. I just pillaged yesterday, so my pills are in my pillbox. This particular supplement, I have to take out of its own bottle.

And here is where the, Love and Other Drugs reference comes in:

I was sitting in my chair and grabbed the bottle of the supplement that I take with my meals, but as I grabbed a bottle, I spasmed. I’m not sure if it was my back or my arms or maybe even my hands; or maybe all three because I could not open the bottle just like Anne Hathaway in Love and Other Drugs.

I even breathed weirdly out of my mouth just like she did as she tried to open the bottle when she was having a flare.

All I could think was think that she was acting, but this was my real life! And it’s so scary now!!

January 2025 Faves

i’ve already posted my annual i2 YouTube video for New Year’s Day and I have said previously that January will be Maroon 5 but I was missing Barwis recently and I HAVE TO listen to these first. Jesse:

And then there’s Phil:

And Michael:

But I have been preemptively listening to Maroon 5. Just the first two albums when they were quality and when I found out that Adam Levine is totally a musician when I saw him live at the Palace when I first saw Sara Bareilles!:

Bible in a Year: 4th Time Around the Sun!!!

I must tell you that I am starting my fourth time reading the Bible so it’s my ‘fourth time around the sun.’

The first time reading the Bible, I was completely blown away, and I thought I knew what to expect! The second time through the Bible, everything was in COLOR. This last time through the Bible, I felt that God is opening the door to me and it is AMAZING!!!

Something that I have realized, the word of God is truly POWERFUL!!! My first time through the Bible, I had pressure sores on both of my heels starting in April, and they did not fully heal until November.

Technically, this would be my sixth and seventh time through the Bible, because my second time through the Bible was the second and third. I listen to the Bible on YouTube while I am reading my lunch and then I listen to it again on Hallow as I am going to sleep. My short-term memory is not good anymore so I’m just trying to hear it again!

Parker told me in 2011 that when you start to read the Bible, the devil tries to get you! So, to anyone who wants to join me in this trip around the sun, let me know that you are part of this project and I will pray for you! If you have my phone number, email, or you can just message me on Facebook or Twitter:


I had to change out my Ginger Spice chapstick twice. I had just a little bit left in a tube after Thanksgiving and then I used an entire tube all by myself this year so then I changed it out so I have like a half used tube for next year. Ho-Hum, no big deal.


so, the first day of 24 years of having MS, I must tell you that it is AWFUL!!! The moment I opened my eyes, I checked my phone because I had a feeling:

It actually took me listening to three audio rosaries before I sat up in bed. This weather is terrible and my body feels awful!!!

If first impressions are anything, I don’t think I’m going to like my 24th year… #MSsucks!!! 😒😒😒…