
Well, it has happened. I was forced to do it because my disease got too much for me. After I cried as my Mom was, “yanking“ me out of bed. So then, my Parents stepped in and bought me a bed.

it was delivered on April 15 (Good Friday):

But I learned that first night that the bed was too low for my Mom to get me out of it and into my power chair. We figured out that I needed one more lift at the bottom of my bed. I just had two levels which was the most comfortable sleep ever but not sustainable because my Mom is my caregiver and it’s only us to get me out of bed. We called to get them to send people out to add the lifts because we didn’t want to mess with our warranty.

Two guys stopped by just as we were going to a doctor appointment for me so they started my ‘Four-fer.’ I slept in my bed for four days with two lifts and then I have been sleeping in it since then with three lifts:

This picture is seriously, #DormLife because you can see the window air conditioner in the picture! Hey, I’m on a fixed income and I have to live within my means!

Now, it’s a different sleep on three lifts then with two. If sleeping with two is a 10, I would say that sleeping with three is an eight. Still acceptable and better than average but not as good so if anyone knows of a young man willing to wake me up and lift me out of my bed every day at about noon, we can talk!


My air conditioner was on yesterday all day and today it is 60° and the forecast is in the 50s. Oh yeah, this is how it is going to be for at least the next month.

I am 40 years old and I have lived in Michigan for my entire life! I have no desire to live anywhere else because my family lives here. My immediate family. I think it’s a good thing that I switched over from vanilla bean to pomegranate chapstick.

I always have a two pack on hand when the seasons are changing:

I like that picture of the two pack but that’s not the one I receive from target. It looks like this:

So, it’s a little chilly in my house today but that’s how it is in Michigan., Meh.

Notable Puzzlin’ Tune #3 and #4

So, I have figured out that I need to finish the complete tune and puzzle completed by the next day.

Last night I heard two songs while I completed a rather difficult puzzle that I did not finish until this morning in silence but as I worked last night these are the two songs I heard:

I posted this one last night but I love re-posting it because I needed to hear that song exactly when I heard it!:

Notable Tume #4:

Now, I know that the suspense is killing you but this is the puzzle I was working on for both songs and I did not complete it until this morning as I set up in bed and silence.

But this is all I completed as I was listening to those songs:

And then this morning because I HAD TO finish:

A Clarification of my Notable Puzzlin’ Tunes

I just came up with this idea as I was puzzling and my Mom was sleeping. But then I heard two songs that are great so I want to add to that growing list but I need to add in a clarification. I should have posted this that day or even the next day but I have two songs that I really love and I heard as I was puzzlin.’ I can go back to the date I published the post and I can narrow down for the first two tunes one of three puzzles I may have been working on for both of those songs.

I will add in a recap into this clarification:

Tune #1:

Tune #2

Now, because I did not explicitly assign Hey son to which puzzle I was complaining there’s a choice between three. I will purchase puzzles that I think are cool but I also just complete puzzles to get the points because they’re free to complete. Here are the three options of a possible puzzle that I was doing while these songs played:

The first puzzle I took a picture of farm myTunes thread:

But then I took pictures of two other puzzles a day apart so I don’t know if I was completing them when I was letting you know the song. Here are the last two puzzles;

I don’t know why I took screenshots of these two puzzles differently than the first one but I know exactly what puzzle I was doing while I heard the two songs today but I think I may start going to bed now or at least waking my Mom up so I will post that tomorrow.

Hold the Phone!!!

Well, today is the full full day that my A/Chas been running constantly. I didn’t think I would have to put the window air conditioners in AGAIN this year but here we are. I am most appreciative of the fact that Sean came over and put it in yesterday just before it got warm and then we ended up turning it off for a while. But now, I’m pretty sure it’s here to stay. Maybe. I don’t know. I have lived in Michigan all of my life so I guess I cannot answer that question.

But then I got a delivery today! I order things all the time and my short term memory is garbage so I never remember so it’s like Christmas every time I open packages!

hold the phone! I just got a NEW flavor of Chapstick?!:

I forgot that I had placed a Target order and I needed three extra dollars to get free shipping so I thought to put Chapstick that I wanted last year but I had way too many flavors to buy it then!!!:

these are my current spring/summer flavors. If you recall, last year, I bought a four pack of Cucumber Mint to have just in case because I love that flavor and I wasn’t sure if it will be available this year so I wanted to have some on hand. Also, last year, the weather changed quickly and I had to start my fall flavors sooner or something like that.

The Cucumber Mint chapsticks I have in one case are still sealed and I just added the strawberry sorbet into that case as well. I am not sure how much Chapstick is left in each tube in the other case. We will just have to see if and when I can use it this spring/summer:

The yellow chapstick was just a placeholder it is the original peppermint that comes in variety packs but I don’t use it. Now it’s pink! My Mom thinks that the chapstick is going to go rancid because I have had it for so long but it’s sealed and I go through Chapstick pretty quickly! I’m not sure if she has ever noticed but anything to keep my mind off of my discomfort!

I hope I get some sleep tonight and I am going to wear my socks because my feet are healed enough.

Robbed of my Sleep

I have had eight nights sleeping with my Tempur-pedic bed! With that being said, I was robbed of two nights of sound asleep. It’s been the last two nights. I have said before that I can handle internal pain because I’ve been handling that for 21+ years but external pain it’s a whole different story!

My legs robbed me of my sleep I have just figured out. Yesterday and this morning, I was awakened earlier than I wanted to be because my legs were KILLING me! And let me explain:

A few doctor appointments ago, the doctor asked why I was still wearing shoes with being a Power chair user and having MS for so long. I did not have a response for her but I was offended and I told my Mom that I wear shoes because I am a human and I am a 40-year-old adult!

It was it that doctor appointment that my Mom and I realize that we are the ones to handle my care from here on out! I remember thinking that because I HAVE TO sleep with my compression socks on! My legs can’t handle not having the compression socks off because that messes with blood flow.

Now, enter the problems I’ve been having with my feet!!! You know, blisters on the outside of my left foot and blood blisters on the outside of my right foot because my shoes were not supportive enough! I have rectified that situation now and I’ll talk about my new shoes soon.

So, for the last two days, I have been robbed of sleep and sleep doesn’t come that easy to me after having had MS for 21+ years so that’s quite frustrating! My Mom told me this morning that my blisters were healing enough so I can wear my socks tonight and I am so grateful for Amazon because I was able to get something that hopefully will help while I am asleep:

Oh, have I told you that I am getting pressure sores on my heels?! Well, I am no stranger to pressure sores everywhere but I have not had them on my heels until now and this is quite painful!!!

I Never Would Have Thought…

Well, I’m still dealing with crazy developments with my disease progression! Today, it was supposed to be really warm so my Mom called Sean to bring up the air conditioners.

that’s right, I STILL have air conditioners in my house! Window air conditioners! In 2022! When my brother, Dave, bought them for me when my air conditioning broke in the summer of 2016, I never would have thought that I would still have them in the summer of 2022!!! It’s not even summer yet! It’s supposed to be 40° next week?!

I am dealing with so much right now with my MS progression and I’m not even sure how to deal with it. I can’t even put some silly song on here to laugh about. I never would’ve thought it would be like this…

The ‘Four’ in the ‘Four-fer’

So, I am still very much trying to process all of the things that went on Tuesday. I’m really not getting okay with any of it. But one thing I will say is that the fourth thing I did was to get new shoes. Now, getting new shoes for me it’s not because I WANTED them at all but because I NEEDED them! My MS ridden feet cannot handle being in normal tennis shoes any longer.

This is kind of a big deal for me. I have always worn shelltoes. In high school they were white and now I wear black ones. Or at least, I did. But then I was diagnosed with MS. Within the first three years, I realized that shell toes were too heavy for me. (I went back to them after realizing that my Doc Marten’s we’re NOT going to work for me anymore!)

By the time I started teaching, I was already five years into my diagnosis and I had switched to just wearing chuck’s. I have written before how I never wore the same color chuck’s two days in a row and I had a total of 13 pair that I would rotate.

But then I started working out at Barwis Methods. There, they told me that I should no longer wear chucks because they were not supportive. Already being wheelchair-bound, I went back to wearing shelltoes. I switched from white shelltoes to black shell toes because I was wearing them to work.

I saw this video on Facebook this morning and I can’t just put the video here but instead can post the link so you can look at it:


I showed this video to Sean this morning when he came to help me get out of my bed and I told him that I only did not wear socks once with my chucks!

The one time I wore those shoes without socks was when I received a phone call from my realtor back when we were living in our second apartment. He was at , “The Pelham house” and wanted me to come and take a look at it. (That was the house that I am currently living in right now!) Itold him to let me brush my teeth and put my shoes on and then I will be there. That’s what I did.

My current house is about five minutes from my apartment complex. It took me five minutes to get to the house he was at (where I am right now) when I showed up and walked up the walkway, he was shocked!

He told me that women always say that they are going to be right there but they never are! I laughed and I pulled my sweatpant legs up and told him that I wasn’t even wearing socks!

I recounted that story to Sean about not wearing socks and he told me that my shoes are the same size as the one in that video! I’m still trying to get used to these shoes but they are comfortable. It’s just change and I’m not good with that…