The ‘Four’ in the ‘Four-fer’

So, I am still very much trying to process all of the things that went on Tuesday. I’m really not getting okay with any of it. But one thing I will say is that the fourth thing I did was to get new shoes. Now, getting new shoes for me it’s not because I WANTED them at all but because I NEEDED them! My MS ridden feet cannot handle being in normal tennis shoes any longer.

This is kind of a big deal for me. I have always worn shelltoes. In high school they were white and now I wear black ones. Or at least, I did. But then I was diagnosed with MS. Within the first three years, I realized that shell toes were too heavy for me. (I went back to them after realizing that my Doc Marten’s we’re NOT going to work for me anymore!)

By the time I started teaching, I was already five years into my diagnosis and I had switched to just wearing chuck’s. I have written before how I never wore the same color chuck’s two days in a row and I had a total of 13 pair that I would rotate.

But then I started working out at Barwis Methods. There, they told me that I should no longer wear chucks because they were not supportive. Already being wheelchair-bound, I went back to wearing shelltoes. I switched from white shelltoes to black shell toes because I was wearing them to work.

I saw this video on Facebook this morning and I can’t just put the video here but instead can post the link so you can look at it:

I showed this video to Sean this morning when he came to help me get out of my bed and I told him that I only did not wear socks once with my chucks!

The one time I wore those shoes without socks was when I received a phone call from my realtor back when we were living in our second apartment. He was at , “The Pelham house” and wanted me to come and take a look at it. (That was the house that I am currently living in right now!) Itold him to let me brush my teeth and put my shoes on and then I will be there. That’s what I did.

My current house is about five minutes from my apartment complex. It took me five minutes to get to the house he was at (where I am right now) when I showed up and walked up the walkway, he was shocked!

He told me that women always say that they are going to be right there but they never are! I laughed and I pulled my sweatpant legs up and told him that I wasn’t even wearing socks!

I recounted that story to Sean about not wearing socks and he told me that my shoes are the same size as the one in that video! I’m still trying to get used to these shoes but they are comfortable. It’s just change and I’m not good with that…