A Clarification of my Notable Puzzlin’ Tunes

I just came up with this idea as I was puzzling and my Mom was sleeping. But then I heard two songs that are great so I want to add to that growing list but I need to add in a clarification. I should have posted this that day or even the next day but I have two songs that I really love and I heard as I was puzzlin.’ I can go back to the date I published the post and I can narrow down for the first two tunes one of three puzzles I may have been working on for both of those songs.

I will add in a recap into this clarification:

Tune #1:

Tune #2

Now, because I did not explicitly assign Hey son to which puzzle I was complaining there’s a choice between three. I will purchase puzzles that I think are cool but I also just complete puzzles to get the points because they’re free to complete. Here are the three options of a possible puzzle that I was doing while these songs played:

The first puzzle I took a picture of farm myTunes thread:

But then I took pictures of two other puzzles a day apart so I don’t know if I was completing them when I was letting you know the song. Here are the last two puzzles;

I don’t know why I took screenshots of these two puzzles differently than the first one but I know exactly what puzzle I was doing while I heard the two songs today but I think I may start going to bed now or at least waking my Mom up so I will post that tomorrow.