#MyGirlL: “My Darling Girl”

So, we have had Leia for a year and a half now. At first, she didn’t know how to deal with me. She knew that I could not take her for walks or get down on the floor and pet her and she knows that I am sick. She slowly started getting her love from me in small ways. She would come into the bathroom when my mom was washing my hair and put her head on my lap for me to rub. but then the problems with my transfers started. She would hear my Mom and me struggle and would come run to us to be of assistance.

It will always get a laugh out of my Mom and me and my Mom always to ask her what she is going to do because we both know she can do nothing to help us. But we appreciate that she is there for moral support! A couple days ago, there was nothing she could do but I appreciate it to her coming to my rescue more than anything!

A couple days ago, we were getting ready to go to sleep and wer completing the steps necessary to transfer me to my motorized chair when The lack of the dining room chair hit my knee. My Mom says it, “Brushed it” but it felt like I was Nancy Kerrigan and I shoved both of my hands to cover my mouth to try to muffle the scream that already escaped my mouth! My Mom tells me that Leia, who was snuggled under blankets, ”Bolted” out of her bed and ran to us!

Leia came right up to me and wanted to put her paws on my bad knee that was in a whole lot of pain. My Mom told her not to so she put them on the bench that was next to me. I looked at her concerned face as I continued to cry and I scratched under her chin and rubbed the side of her face and the side of her belly. She started to stick her tongue out as if to tried to lick me and I told her, “None of that!” as I finished petting her side. I see put her feet down from the bench and went back to sleep. I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and all I can think, like Daniel in Love Actually, Leia IS, “My darling girl!”