
I had my first successful virtual visit with my speech pathologist today. I was scheduled last week but I couldn’t logon so she just ended up calling me and we spoke about what we were going to work on. I was able to logon today after calling tech-support this morning. She was having difficulty logging on so it took a moment but we spoke via video chat.

I really like her and I’m comfortable with her. Today, we worked on annunciation of words and she gave me an acronym to remember. She told me that in my level of dysarthria and having multiple sclerosis that my, “Normal” is, “Slurred.” That statement blew my mind tremendously!!! I actually started to cry as I let that sunk in. We only talked for about a half hour but I was thoroughly tired! The fact that my, “Normal” sounds, “Slurred” to people without MS difficult is ato get my mind around! She told me that I am missing a feedback loop and that’s from having MS.

She gave me homework to do before next week. I have told her that I only text to people and I do not talk on the phone anymore. She said THAT will be my homework. I HAVE TO talk on the phone! I am a little bit nervous because speaking as she says is very, “Effortful.” I have to think about who I will talk to but says that the more I practice, the easier it will be for me to do this. but right now, I am way too tired to talk to anyone!