“Oh Mom, Your Face?!”

Our alarms didn’t go off this morning so consequently, Sean woke up almost an hour after he should have first school! He was in the shower when my mom got here this morning to get me out of bed. She got me situated in my will chair and I will put two in front of the TV and turned on GMFB.

Normally, my Mom goes into the kitchen to make herself some coffee as a sit and try to acclimate myself to being awake. This morning, Sean was in the house and he caught a glimpse of my face.

Now, I am definitely NOT a morning person that I have written about TONS of times! Sean really never sees me in the morning! Things have morphed to him just kissing me on my forehead just before he leaves for school and after he does this, I lay in bed and still try to wake up. I don’t wake up until my Mom comes over and helps me.

He came out of the bathroom and looked at me as I tried waking up with GMFB playing on TV. He’s sad, “Oh mom, your face?!” I almost smiled and then my Mom called from the kitchen that she thinks that my face looks awful too! She told Sean that my face looks like that for about an hour. Hearing him say that makes me believe that l REALLY AM allergic to the mornings!

I am so, “Out of it” in the morning that I didn’t even think to take a picture but I think my face is pretty close to the picture above because that’s how I feel! Sean took me to get my eyebrows waxed this evening and here is proof:

I snapped that picture of myself as I retrieved Hocus Pocus.

I just finished watching it for the 26th time this month. It has only cost me $.77 each time I’ve seen it and the month isn’t even over yet!