Tune #36, #37, #38 Inspired by GMFB

I wasn’t up and in front of my TV until almost 8 o’clock this morning. So, I missed the first hour but I would catch that on the replay right after. I haven’t been feeling very well in the morning lately so I haven’t Tweeted the breakfast table much. I still was able to get out a few though. Kyle was talking with Kay he said, “Discombobulated” which made me laugh and I thought of young Sean and his deductive reasoning of a five-year-old and thinking that “Combobulated” was word. A follower of mine let me know that Kyle muted her a while ago.

I wondered about that because I annoy all of them with tweets constantly and wonder if I will ever be muted on Twitter. I did send a tweet to Kyle regarding Peter’s top-five underrated quarterbacks:

When Peter talked about #4, Kyle said that, “He moves in mysterious ways.“. Well, OF COURSE!!!:

Then the conversation switched to back up quarterbacks. Seeing that this is pretty much the year of the back up quarterback, Peter talked about replacements for Hollywood roles that I wasn’t aware of! He said that Chris Farley was supposed to be Shrek but due to his untimely death, Mike Myers filled in with his Scottish accent. Kyle said something about Smash Mouth which got me thinking about my senior year and this song played in my car when I was with my friends all the time!:

Lastly, I watched the beginning of the show after it ended at ten-o’clock. Shaun O’Jara (filling in for Nate) was talking about the Panthers and Cam not playing in the back of did you get into the rhythm and he talked about Janet Jackson’s, Rhythm Nation:

When I searched for information regarding this post on gmfb’s Twitter page, I saw this picture of Ron Rivera and I HAVE TO get that shirt!