Looking Forward

My Mom picked up Chinese food for me yesterday. Actually, I think it’s Cantonese. Either way, I got almond chicken. I ate my dinner yesterday and my lunch today because they give out a lot of food. I got a fortune cookie yesterday and this was my fortune:

I liked reading that fortune and I would like to believe it’s true. However, I can’t really see that right now because every day my disease progresses. It kind of bums me out! Looking forward to me may not necessarily be a good thing! That was a topic of discussion in one of my MS support groups and I really have been thinking about it.

I got pretty bummed out and during the month of October, when I am bummed out, a sure fire way to cheer up is to watch Hocus Pocus. Today was my 25th time seeing it this October. That means that it only has cost me $.80 each time I watch it and the month isn’t even over!

I’m not going to count my viewing on Friday because I am going to the IMAX to see it. So, I guess, that’s something to look forward to!