Purple, purple, purple!

I’ve written more than a few times before about the fact that I no longer possess the dexterity or muscle control to write. It’s another especially cruel part of MS because writing used to be a huge part of my job and my identity. The fact that I can no longer do this, hurts! A whole lot at times!

To deal with this, I use speech to text capabilities on my phone a lot and I have enlisted my Mom’s help to serve as my proxy to write things out for me and I just sign the documents. Today, I needed her to both read some documents to me, (the writing was too small) write some things for me, and mail the documents out.

My Mom does NOT like doing paperwork but she agreed to do it before we started our morning routine. She went into the, “utility drawer” in my kitchen to get a pen. ALL of the pens she found were purple. She got frustrated to discover this and told me that she could NOT fill out the papers that I needed because all of the pens were, “Purple, purple, purple!”

I laughed and told her that it used to be my signature color (whenever I wrote to anything)! She told me that if she tried all five pens in the drawer and they prove to ALL be purple that she would NOT complete the paperwork. Well, ALL of the pens ended up being purple! It WAS my signature color!

I called my friend to come over tomorrow to fill the paperwork out for me and I asked her to bring a black pen because I do not have one! She laughed agreed, and is coming over tomorrow. Hearing my Mom say, “Purple, purple, purple” COMPLETELY reminded me The Na Na Song of by Sheryl Crow! Just Sayin’…