I Am Trying

This morning, I sat by myself in my living room while Sean slept, I finished my Kiefer and my protein shake, and GMFB’s first broadcast just ended. I sat there thinking that I wish that I didn’t have MS. This is really difficult and it hurts! My Facebook page is a bunch of quotes to help me get through the day.

Here are a few examples:

I also share posts that I see from Goelcast. I shared this post a few days ago:

Listening to Robin Williams’ words, I thought of driving with Sean to Barwis. Robin Williams had just died and the DJ talked about him. He told us to call in with our favorite low-key Robin Williams’ movie and tell them the reason why it is.

I was driving little, 12-year-old Sean and I told him to call in to the radio station. As he was on hold, I told him to tell them that, “My mom’s favorite movie is Good Will Hunting.”I told him to tell them that I say that it is my favorite because of the, “Ease with which Robin Williams drops the F bomb!”

They didn’t answer the phone before the end of the song so I just told Sean to hang up. I thought it would be really funny for him to tell them what I said with his little 12-year-old voice.

My Mom told me that I had perseverance today as we completed our routine. I told her that it was difficult but she told me that I just don’t give up. I am trying!