Paperwork = Completed.

Well, my friend came over today to complete the paperwork I needed to be completed. Not only did she complete the reading I needed done but she also came over bearing Tropical Smoothies for both of us! We sat and talked while we finished the smoothies before the paperwork was completed. She even mailed it out for me!

That was such a relief! As she left, she talked about the extreme heat outside. So I obviously, I am holed up in my house with the air. I am not feeling well because it’s brutal to start off the day with your knee, “Popping out!” I can’t believe this is still happening but it always gives a hollow crack when it pops back into place!

I recently commented on a post and one of my MS support groups. I was completely shot down and told that knees do not, “Pop out!” Well, how do I explain what happens to my knee almost 3 years after surgery?! It’s a newer support group I joined on Facebook but I hesitate to comment on any posts there now.

But I don’t know if it’s the heat or my body in pain that is causing my speech to slow but it is! I just seem to be napping a lot today but they are not really restful naps. That’s frustrating! Good thing my smoothie was delicious! AND the paperwork is completed!