Hummus, Popcorn, and Carrots

I have established that I am old because of my last birthday. I don’t mind it at all but I KNOW that I’m old because, on my birthday, I bought myself a present. I ordered a food processor from Amazon.   Well, it came a while back and I got so excited! I ordered myself a food processor because I saw a recipe for hummus not too long ago.

Having grown up in East Dearborn, it’s haraam (“forbidden”  in Arabic) to buy store-bought hummus and I refuse to do so!  I knew I could make it myself! The recipe I found, called for a food processor, hence the reason for my present!  Based on the ingredients, I knew that if I just followed the recipe, I could make some good hummus!

Well, I did!  My friend (she gets my groceries for me) had just gotten a 5 pound bag of carrots from the grocery store and I was excited to peel and cut them so I could eat them with the hummus.  I washed and put the food processor together and started the hummus this morning.   By the time I was finished making it, it was around lunchtime.

I popped some microwave popcorn, Homestyle is the best! and decided to eat that for lunch  because I could feel myself getting tired. Imagine that, getting tired after washing the parts and loading things into a food processor and turning it on. Well, I have slowly come to the realization that sometimes, more often than I care to admit, that happens. I get too tired!

So, I made the popcorn. Whenever I do this, have popcorn for a meal, I feel like Olivia Pope (without the wine because I don’t drink anymore).

So, I sat in my kitchen eating the popcorn and getting myself prepared to peel the 5 pounds of carrots and cut it up to have them ready to eat with the hummus. Well, of the 5 pounds of carrots, I was able to peel six.

I remember it being so much easier to peel carrots when I was younger, before MS!  It’s not anymore. I hated coming to that realization today. I got on my phone and put prepared carrots and celery on my grocery list for next week.   I can no longer peel carrots on my own.

Because I was tired after peeling and cutting those 6 carrots, I thought I would get on Facebook.   A friend shared this article and it peaked my interest:


I reposted the article on my story. It’s a pretty lengthly article but worth the read! As I read it, I cried the entire time!   It was a completely true article as I have firsthand knowledge of the situation.  After reading the article, I looked around at my kitchen floor and saw carrot shavings that missed the garbage can and popcorn that missed my mouth and I started to cry even more!


There is even a piece of cardboard from the food processor packaging that I had not even seen until I looked at this picture. All of these things that are on the floor will remain there until  someone (most likely my Mom) will sweep them up.   This realization made me cry even more! As I put the carrots away in the refrigerator because I was too distraught to eat them  and the tears continued to flow, I realized that my knee hurts!  I remember being told as a basketball player in high school that, “Everything always hurts more when you lose!” and at this point, I felt very much at a loss because I have lost so much in the past 17 years since my diagnosis…   maybe I will have the carrots and hummus tomorrow…