Dread #2

So, I had my MRI last Saturday, on St. Patrick’s Day. I paid attention to everything and wanted to make a joke about having to change my pants and wear the hospital-given paper pants for my MRI.   Sean made fun of them when I got home until he realized that they had pockets! There was no music but I was given those foam earplugs to lessen the sound of the banging and clacking from the machine.

I had never been in this room for that MRI but I knew what to expect. I closed my eyes for the first part of it and thought of the movie, Juno because Sean is getting his braces off next month.   I thought of Michael Rhoades because he was the first person I told about Sean needing braces and how much I was going to have to pay.  I don’t know where he is now but I thought about telling him that Sean is getting them off.  Anyway, my teeth have really shifted and the 23 years since I’ve had braces.  I’m going to have to fix them because Sean will have perfect teeth.

I would have to do the Invisaline thing because I am a chain gum-chewer and I’m crazy about flossing my teeth so metal braces wouldn’t do! Plus I’m old! So, I thought about that guy eating the orange TicTac’s. That’s what I would have to do because I would have to lay off the gum with braces I think.   Anyway, I had all kinds of random thoughts while doing my MRI and my left leg was spazzing out like crazy but my right leg was locked into place so it didn’t move while they took the pictures.

Since my MRI I’ve been really thinking about the fact that there is something wrong with my right knee. 18 months later, it still hurts! I don’t go to Dr. Moore’s office again until March 30th but what do I really want?   To have surgery AGAIN or not? I don’t know!  All I know, is that knee surgery ain’t no joke!  Even the non-surgical tendon scrape really stunk!

It is excruciating when my knee pops out of its socket and my Mom has to pop it back in. Even my son has felt it when it pops out sometimes upon transfer and he thinks it’s gross, because it is! Can this be surgically repaired? Am I just stuck with a bad knee that pops out all of the time? I don’t know.

I’ve been trying NOT to think about this so much because it stresses me out and stress and MS are not friends but, it hurts!  I dread what Dr. Moore will say on the 30th. It already hurts without a third surgery but recovering from surgery hurts a lot too! This just stinks!