1.26.18 – 2.16.18 OR MRI

So, I had my normal visits to ATI on Mondays and Fridays from January 26th to the week before February 16th.  February 16th was my appointment with Dr. Moore so I thought I would have been cleared to go back to Barwis. My time at ATI was a lot of fun before the Super Bowl. Sean has always told me that I am a, “bandwagon-er”  when it comes to the Super Bowl and for this past Super Bowl, I was on the Eagles bandwagon.

First of all, I am NOT a Patriots fan so I would’ve gone for anyone NOT the Patriots but I vividly remember the Eagles being Phil’s team.  I really liked Nick Foles’ story and I liked their showing at the championship game the previous week. Once they won the Super Bowl, I got my Super Bowl champions shirt which I am not ashamed to say is my new favorite shirt because it is SO comfortable!

The whole time I was at ATI from January 26th, Greg stretched me out very well getting me ready to go back to Barwis. At my appointment with Dr. Moore on February 16th,  I mentioned that my knee was still popping out of its socket and it still hurt. Dr. Moore cleared me to go back to Barwis and told me that if it continues to pop out or is really bothersome that I should give his office a call and they will set up an MRI.

I was so excited to get back to Barwis that I called Elle immediately, that day, and asked to get fitted back into the schedule.  That weekend, my knee popped out multiple times and it was excruciatingly painful! I called Dr. Moore’s office to schedule an MRI that Monday.  I was frustrated that my knee is still a problem but I’ve felt in my core (and in my right knee) that something was still the matter with my knee.

Today, a woman called me from the DMC to make the appointment.  As she asked me the routine, clarifying questions, she asked me when my birthday was and wished me an early birthday because it is my birthday in 10 days. I am scheduled to go to Harper Hospital on St. Patrick’s Day for my MRI.

I want to be back at Barwis so badly that it hurts but I want answers to why my knee is still popping out more. I remembered that it popped out before my surgery and I explained to Mr. Langford how my mom would pop it back in and he said that she was,  “Hard-Core.”   Well, she still pops it back in when it pops out and she is STILL, “Hard-Core!”

Until my appointment for my MRI, I will lay low in my house as I have been for the past 18 months until I get my answers. I will call Monday morning to make a return appointment with Dr. Moore to discuss my MRI results and I can’t believe this is STILL going on.

I talked with Sean briefly that it would be pretty terrible if I needed a third surgery or fourth procedure on my knee.  I’m not concerned about the scarring but only the recovery time.  I just want it to STOP popping out because it is pretty painful! Since before surgery,  and after my injury, it probably has popped out about 100 times!  It is excruciating each and every time!