March 2018 Faves

I’m not sure what made me think of my second apartment and this CD:

but I thought about it as I washed dishes one evening at my house.

I used to listen to this CD (back when one used to buy CDs, in the days before streaming) as I got ready for work in the Fall and Winter of 2007.   I was still teaching English back then.  I wasn’t sure of the names of the songs that didn’t get radio play but I especially loved this first one!

I was never saved from the darkness and in retrospect, it wasn’t even darkness, rather dusk. I didn’t know how dark it would get in the years to come given my health but I still managed to buy a house and get my Masters degree so I’m not trying to have a pity party.

Sean  came into the kitchen as I was  washing dishes and listening to  this CD on Apple Music. I’m not sure what song was playing but he remembered it, told me that he liked it, and asked who sang it. I  kind of laughed as I told him that I used to listen to thisCD all the time in our second apartment.   I appreciated that he has a memory of these songs that played a huge part in my life some 11 years ago.

Well, since I’m not out of my house much so I haven’t really heard much newer music, I  had to share at least three songs and I absolutely love the first line of this one!

These songs really show my age but I’m OK with that.  Today marks the beginning of “Birthday Month” for me, the last year of my mid 30s and the year where I will be closer to 40 than I am to 30. 😄😄😄