“Shut Yo’ Mouf!”

I have sent Sean to a Catholic school since first grade. It pretty much has been him and ne for his whole life.  We did live with my parents for a few years in the beginning but I never thought or was I prepared for the possibility of hearing him blaspheme!

It hurts my heart to report this but today, I heard just that! He told me that the movie, The Neverending Story, was a, “Disappointment!”   I told him too, “Shut yo’ nouf!”  As I continued to scream, he continued to tear the movie apart! He said that Gamorgue was, “Mediocre at best!”

This was probably the scariest part of the movie for me growing up! I could NOT believe that he was saying all of these things!  I told him that I was going to write about this awful, blasphemous display so I am calling on aunt Shannon, uncle Dave, and uncle Jimmy to set him straight!

“You’re Crazy Too!”

A few days ago, my Mom told me about an article she had seen where it had pictures of the cast of Top Gun then and now.   She said that the picture made her sad because many of them looked so much older. She told me that Tom Cruise still looked very much the same and I told her about how I heard that he sleeps on his back with pillows all around him so as not to sleep on his stomach and wrinkle his face.

She didn’t believe me; so she looked it up.   She found this article:


The article cited 14 strange sleeping habits famous people have. She came across Stephen King’s sleeping habits and read it to me. He says that the opening of his pillow cases need to face the apposite side of the bed. He didn’t give a reason why and my Mom stopped reading and looked at me. She told me that I do that exact thing!   I sleep on the right side of the bed on my left side so my face is on the edge of the pillow so it is necessary that my pillow case opening faces the other side of the bed.

I told her that he is an author  and he’s crazy.  He writes crazy stuff! She looked at me and said, “You’re crazy too!”  My response was to laugh a loud belly laugh! I never claimed that I was NOT crazy anyway!

ALMOST Forgotten Tune #15

ALL of my ALMOST Forgotten Tunes are random songs that I hear or think of that have a specific memory attached to them.   They all make me smile and/or gasp!  ALMOST Forgotten Tune #15  is no different.  This one made me cry! This memory came to me this morning and I spent the morning and the early afternoon alternating between laughing and crying.

I didn’t hear the song but remembered it. It was the summer of 2001 and I had just turned 19.   I was pregnant and the only people who knew were Sean’s dad and me.  I was at Sean’s great grandparents house. We were in the backyard and I was just thrown into the pool with my clothes on. His great grandpa started up the barbecue as I played around in the pool. This song came on the radio and I vividly remember seeing Sean’s great grandpa  shirtless, in khaki shorts, and tennis shoes swinging his hips to this song.

I loved that man so much!  I remember laughing with Sean’s dad  at the fact that this, “old man” was dancing to this, “really cool song”  not knowing that we  were seeing him do this.  I have no idea what made me think of this song and this memory but I had to look it up on YouTube so I could post it, share, and will be able to easily access it and always remember it with fondness!