
In one of my MS support groups, the question was posed what we are binging these days. A lot of people in that particular group are like me so they no longer work and are wheelchair-bound as well. I saw trailers for this series for a while and it kind of interested me. I called my cable company not too long ago and got into a conversation with the representative helping me. She suggested this series and another one for binging. Well, I am hooked! It’s a bit crazy! By no means, is this a ringing endorsement but I just watched the season one finale.

WOAH!!! I’m glad that I got through high school relatively unscathed by this series’ standards (except for the normal high school drama that is a bit laughable now that I am an adult).

This song played in the beginning of the finale and I immediately thought of my Aunt Rita. This was the version that played in the series:

But Gloria Estefan‘s version will always remind me of her:

To my young self, she was the a epitome of cool with her 1980s style and what I thought was a, “Huge house” when I was a child. I could go on and on about my memories of her but that will make me cry even more…