The Burn Continues OR “You Nawake?”

This morning, my Mom woke me up a little bit after 6 AM. We had our routine started a couple minutes past 7 AM. It was another truncated routine and I had to fight with my body to get it to move so early in the morning! She needed to pick my nephew up by 10 AM. So naturally, the burn continues. The MSU burn.

I missed the first hour of GMFB while we completed our routine and I explained it to my Mom how different it was this morning with me being forced to move so early. I am very happy that there is a second broadcast GMFB right after the first so I watched it until 11.

Sean had left for a work meeting at 9 AM this morning and when he got home, he hard-boiled us some eggs for us. When they were finished, he brought them to the living room. We laughed, or rather HE laughed AT me for being such a, “Weenie” when it came to touching the just boiled eggs. They were really hot! He was finished with his three before I even started to peel my two. I told him that I did not want to eat warm eggs and he peeled them under cool water in the kitchen. He made really good hard boiled eggs!

At this point, it was maybe 10 minutes after 11 and I decided to read my book. He left to go outside to cut the front and back grasses. I had read for a very short time before I turned the light off and leaned my wheelchair back and fell asleep. The only reason I woke up a little after three was because the door bell rang because a package was delivered.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that Sean was also sleeping on the couch. I was reminded of him being very young and when we still lived with my Parents. We used to nap together all the time usually when I got back from class because on days that I worked, I was gone until 6 PM. He had already taken his naps at that point. He took two, one hour long naps until he was about three.

We used to nap together in our room. He would be in his crib and I would sleep in my bed next to him. When he would sitir, I would wake up and ask him if he was, “Nawake?” That is how he used to say it and I thought it was so darn cute! I decided to move into the kitchen to have a protein bar and drink my water. I didn’t want to wake him up!

He began to stir a little bit on the couch and I asked him, “You nawake?” He kind of grunted a little bit and fell back to sleep. I don’t know how long he has slept and I’ve always felt that sleep is good so he is still sleeping and I am trying to get my bearings together.

Right now, I am reminded of my, “Baby Sean.” My Dad would play with him even when it was just after dialysis because Sean would want to play. The time came when my Dad was too tired to play after dialysis ti which he won’t apologize to Sean and explained that he had to sleep. My baby has ALWAYS been wonderful and he would just say, “Okay Gandfadder” and he would climb into bed with my Dad and snuggle up to him and they both would sleep.

I am reminded of those tender moments when we still lived with my Parents before I finished undergrad. The doorbell rang again for another package and thanks to MS, I have no idea what those packages are! I will just have to wait until Sean is, “Nawake” to go retrieve them.