The Grad Party Volume 1

This morning, while watching GMFB, the breakfast table sans Kyle Brant talked about Darius Slay going to a random high schooler‘s graduation party after Will Selva reported it:

Sean was still sleeping but I made sure to tweet them saying that I was excited that Darius Slay went to this random student’s graduation party because my son is graduating next year so it would be really, really cool if he came to you his! I tagged Darius and then I retweeted with the comment that it would be really cool if the breakfast table came! Sean has always told me I am their #1 fan! I tweet at least one of them usually daily. Darius Slay is closer to us though. We live in Deerborn and Sean goes to Divine Child high school it IS the off-season for the breakfast table to come!

Sean reminds me when I begin talking about his graduation party that it is a year away! But, it’s kind of MY graduation party too! I tweeted the breakfast table saying that I’ve had three opportunities for a graduation party but each time, things didn’t work out for me.

The day after my high school graduation, my Dad had his first open heart surgery. Five years later and after I had my son, my Dad was in the hospital on my undergrad commencement. When I graduated with my Master’s degree, my Dad was already dead. My son was eight years old. He was three and my undergraduate graduation and we took this picture:

I plan on re-creating this picture at Sean‘s graduation next year. I’ve begun thinking about Sean’s party: where it will be, what kind of food do y’all have, and all that stuff. Sean just shakes his head when I ask him about it and he tells me, “Whatever [you] want!” Thinking about his upcoming party keeps my mind off of my knee pain and my MS pain.

I’m super excited about this party and I guess it really doesn’t matter if I have any Lions players or anybody from GMFB there! (Although I would LOVE it!!!) I have a big family and I will invite all my former colleagues, the (CCA OG’s) so they can see how, “Little Sean” turned out. Sean is close with the other side of his family but I am super excited for my boy! I hope to send out, “Save the Date” reminders sometime in February or March and have the party sometime in June.

I don’t have anything pressing or anything to pass the time so this will be my focus! I hope it’s really good!!!

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