In my Basement

My Mom wrapped my presents today that I have for Sean. It has become increasingly difficult for me to do this by myself so, she offered and I took her up on it! Because I don’t have ornaments on my tree this year, all of my Christmas boxes are back in the basement. We needed a box to wrap one of the presents. My Mom went downstairs to try to retrieve one.

She could not find the boxes I was speaking of but she found a good and sturdy box that I hand pictures stored in. She brought it upstairs to show me what was in it and we ended up using the box to wrap Sean’s present. I was so excited to see the two picture frames I had in this box! I had all but forgot about these pictures!

I will give you a taste of what I was so excited to see. The picture on the left is of my neighbor’s plant who my Mom is plant sitting for because they are went to Florida. This plant is beautiful and it is definitely NOT mine because my thumbs are black and I don’t even think I could keep a Chia pet alive! But, I did grow The stud on the right!

#MyGirlL: Two Little Paws

So, I went out for the third time last Wednesday for an eye appointment. I still haven’t processed everything and I will write about it when I get there. I do have to say one thing about #MyGirlL though. It was a rough day for me for many different reasons!

When we got home, my Mom told me to turn my wheelchair around so she could hug me. She stood on my left and gave me a hug. I started to cry as we hugged and then I felt two little paws on my right thigh. I chuckled through my tears and put my right hand on top of her paws.

After a little moment, she came around to my left side to stand next to my Mom with her hands on the armrest of my chair so we both could hug her too! She wanted to offer comfort and wanted in on the love as well! It was the sweetest thing for me to feel those two little paws on my leg! #MyGirlL is the best and I love her!!!

I texted Sean this picture not too long ago. She hadn’t been outside when she put her paws on my leg so I didn’t get an a paw prints but it was like this:

No Words

So, this happened. I just put them in:

My eyesight is still a little bit wonky this morning. Have to get used to it I think? If you can see the picture, that’s correct. The new power I need is 8. I have no words regarding this and I am trying desperately to grab them!

This song popped in my head and I know the sentiment is not the same but I keep hearing it over and over again in my head;

MS Fatigue

A few days ago, a Twitter follower and fellow MS warrior tweeted out that her MS fatigue was kicking her butt. Sometimes you just have to say stuff out loud to get it out and I completely I understand that! I told her what I do for MS fatigue.

I must have started this a while ago. I had seen it on Ellen and knew of the benefits of apple cider vinegar. My interest was piqued but I being on a fixed income, I wasn’t sure if I could afford it. I think I save some money for a few months before I was able to buy one bottle to try it out. I tweeted her this picture and told her that this is what I use for MS fatigue:

The directions on the bottle say to take six gummies a day but I knew I couldn’t afford that! I told her that I only take two in the morning when I am drinking my breakfast. I noticed right of that I was not passing out in my chair in the middle of the day so I must have been helping.

Well, this morning, it must’ve been an oversight but as a drink my shake and took my vitamins, I forgot to take my gummies. I did not realize that until my Mom had already washed my hair and I had to blow dry it because it was cold. I couldn’t figure out why I was so exhausted I summation point yes I drink my lunch today I had my gummy‘s because that’s the only thing that I could think of.

I think I have gone through five or six bottles so far and when I get some money, I stocked up on them. There’s no cure for MS but at least this works for me to help with my MS fatigue. It stinks that I had to figure that out by forgetting to take it so today is a bit wonky!

#MyGirlL: She Gets Me

I think I was probably about five or six years ago when my Mom witnessed me being in pain because of on the wind. We were getting into the car and the wind started blowing and she so my face and me cringe. It wasn’t cold outside but just when the wind picked up, it felt like shards of glass hitting my skin

My Mom came in this morning laughing. She got up this morning and took Leia out before she got me out of bed. She was laughing because she said when Leia went outside, the wind started to blow and she crouched on the paver patio in my backyard in an attempt to avoid the wind. She just peed by a bush close to the patio and ran toe the back door! That’s when my Mom started to laugh!

She helped me get out of bed and explained how Leia was trying to avoid the wind. Is she reclined my chair to get me into it comfortably, I just said matter-of-factly, “She gets me!”

I have thought about that all day and given that it’s so windy and cold outside today, she really doesn’t want any part of going outside unless it is to get her business done and come back inside and sit by the heater vent. That is something new she does and it’s super cute!

I am missing a vent Cover in my kitchen but here she is:

She got my knee brace from my last surgery out when my Mom moved the couches to put the Christmas tree up. I knew there was a reason I still had it three years later! The blanket she is resting her head on is Sean‘s so it smells like him.

Good Memories

I want to preface this post with the fact that my Mom IS a morning person. I have NEVER been a morning person nor will I EVER be one!!! Mornings for me are progressively harder! My Mom will get me out of my bed as I try to adjust to being awake and in my wheelchair. I can’t handle any talking for a while! I wait around, as my Mon is making my bed, she will ask me to name some, “Good Memories” that I have. As it so happens, yesterday morning a enumerated Sean‘s first birthday party as being one of my happy memories.

A little later, my aunt posted a video of a little boy getting his first haircut. I shared it on Facebook as well but I couldn’t get over how cute he was!:

It wasn’t until I was ready for bed at about one in the morning last night when I was getting ready to get into bed (don’t judge!) where I put it all together! I love that picture because:

This was Seanie at his first birthday party! It was that the Dearborn rec center! I loved putting overalls on him when he was that young and that is why I loved the video so much! It reminded me of my Seanie!


I didn’t even watch the Lions win today! It kind of stinks that I’m not feeling very well for a while now. Given that it is the sixth time I have watched Love Actually this December, I am surprised that it’s still amuses me! This part makes me laugh out loud every time I see it which is every single day:

Maybe it’s because I am a potty-mouth as well but I laugh out loud all the time! It’s kind of inexplicable why I want to rewatch it all the time! If I really think about it, it’s probably because my eyesight is failing. I know what is going on in a movie I see 1 million times! So maybe it’s not that inexplicable…? Just… #MSsucks!!!

#MyGirlL: “Prissy Dog”

A little while back, when there was some snow on the ground, my Mom let me know that Leia does not like the snow!

My Mom came home amused recounting how Leia acted on their walk this morning. She does not like snow on her paws and shakes them as they walk to try to get the snow off. Also, she doesn’t put her butt on the grass or the pavement but rather just squats.

I laughed and texted Sean. He texted back, “What a pretty dog that’s funny 😂”. I need to place the order for her booties and we have looked at getting her a little coat. I have no problem with her being a, “Prissy dog!” She still a baby! She has never seen snow before in her little life!


So, I am thinking about my next blog post as my Mom is in the kitchen baking pies. I am half watching Hallmark movies I have seen before and absentmindedly scrolling through my phone.

The commercial break started and I started to pay more attention to my phone until I heard, “Auld Lang Syne.” That is definitely a song that gets me in my feels so I looked at the TV.

I gasped and immediately started to cry! It was NOT a, “Feel Good” Christmas commercial that I expected. In fact, I was so shaken that it took me a couple commercial breaks to compose myself.

As a word of warning: I would brace yourself before you see this commercial if you even do:

Living in my Memories

This morning, when my Mom had Leia on a walk, I put some Gavin DeGraw on my Apple Music on my phone on shuffle. Has he played on my phone and I absentmindedly played solitaire, my mind shifted to our first apartment. I vividly remember washing dishes standing at the sink. Even in my second apartment, I still did dishes at the sink but this time, I sat in my, “Cooking chair.” That was an Amish stool that I bought from Art Van after my Mom let me use hers and I had to have one for myself!

I can vividly see both of our apartments and I am somewhat saddened and how less, “Able” I am now. When my Mom got back into the house after Leia’s walk, I just started thinking about living in our house and cleaning up the kitchen and Saturday mornings back when I still used to work and how different things are for me now in terms of mobility.

My Mom walked by me and she saw my face. Apparently, me being lost in my memories showed on my face. She commented on it and I told her that I was lost in my memories. Deeply! At this point, when I am that deep into my memories, I don’t cry but rather, it is an ache in my chest. And ache of longing. After I got ready for the day, my knee started hurting really badly!

With all of these thoughts swirling around in my hand, my knee started to hurt excruciatingly! That is a whole ‘nother layer of things. After my Mom turned my tens unit on, I asked her to get me a mug of milk. The milk was for me to take with the pain pill and I decided that I needed two pieces of chocolate to eat to finish the milk as I started to cry a little bit. I cannot always live in my memories but I spend an awful lot of time there when I think of my current inabilities.