MyGirlL: Tapped Out

The concern was that she has heart worms. After blood work and an x-ray, it was confirmed that she has heart worm. My Mom and I begin to cry as Sean brought her home. We both know what a diagnosis of heartworm meant. We have given her heartworm the entire time we’ve had her but she needed to switch her regular flea and tick prevention because of her sensitive stomach. The vet wants her to go back to her original flea and tick and heart eorm gummies. Sean was given two prescriptions to fill at a human pharmacy for her and my Mom spoke with the doctor again.

Leia had an appointment at the vet this morning to get some blood drawn. At her physical on Monday, they were concerned about some results. Sean took her this morning at 8:00. He was there for over an hour and my Mom called as my proxy to pay the bill because I don’t speak well that early in the morning.

The doctor broke down how much treatment would cost and explained that Leah is just at the end of phase 1 in terms of having worms. The steroids she is prescribed well shrink it down and in one month, they will do another x-ray and see how she is.

Neither one of us have money like that and Sean is just in the infancy of working so he doesn’t either. We will give her her steroids and in one month we’ll see how she is. Decisions will have to be made but I told my mom and Sean that I am tapped out. The prescriptions were just dropped off here and somehow, I Still findmyself wiping away tears.