I have been frequenting The Feisty Ginger for long time! I really do LOVE my mugs and I was able to get two of them for my Mom and me for Valentine’s Day. My Mom’s mug is on the left because she walks Leia and the one on the right is mine because love KIND OF bites for me!
My Mom made me those cinnamon donuts for the Super Bowl because she knows how important my Super Bowl food was for me. Now, I can no longer chew very easily so I had pirogi for the Super Bowl. She made the donuts for me because I had the mix from the last Pampered Chef party I had. She just surprised me with a few of them yesterday during the Super Bowl.
The BEST part of this package that I received was that I received my first birthday present!!! Deirdre, the owner of the shop, was in my brother’s class in grade school.
So, it’s Valentine’s Day and I ate those three donuts but I don’t want to eat much more sweet things because I AM going to receive a pink Valentine’s Day heart tomorrow from my Dad. Right Daddy? And I was not being serious with that last sentence because my Dad hasn’t been around for 15 years…
I would always arrive one hour early to a movie that I was going to see. Sean has ALWAYS made fun of me! But I’m okay with that; besides, you should ALWAYS be prepared just in case. Maybe it’s because of that reasoning that I just received a package today from Amazon:
You may not tell what it is from the packaging but I am keeping it wrapped up until I need it. What I ordered, is back up extra flavors for the fall!:
I really liked that it had just the three fall flavors I wanted and I use the pomegranate between seasons as well! Because of Target’s sneaky trick, I have extra salted caramel (Which I never liked – but will use it until it’s gone).
So now, couple this delivery from a delivery from a few days ago, now my fall and winter months are set!!!
So, it has been three weeks to the day sensei lost the To my Chapstick and head to make a, “Bag of Chapstick.” I was waiting for my speech pathologist to join a video call and she actually saw me meticulously put the Chapstick back into the bag so the Chapstick that was hanging out did not get ruined. We had other things to talk about so I did not even address that with her. I think that tonight for the daily text messages that I send to her that have to be spoken I will tell her about it now that the, “Bag of Chapstick” is NOT a thing any longer.
i used this Chapstick until I could only press the Chapstick tube onto my lips because it hurt too badly to have the plastic scrape my lips. I blotted in my lips with cocoa mint and then I went to have my hair washed. By the time my Mom was finished washing my hair and my hair was dry, my lips were also dry so when I got back into my wheelchair, I wheeled over and put my Vanilla Bean Chapstick on EXTREMELY liberally!
I actually wanted to wait until tomorrow to change flavors but my lips couldn’t handle that. I used it all up! I could have my Mom scrape out Chapstick from the plastic; but it’s not that serious! I’m not going to say that I don’t have her do that because I do when we’re talking about deodorant but Chapstick is a little more affordable can you don’t need to use it until the absolute end but I used it until it hurt my lips.
so now, I am rubbing my lips together to keep them moisturized and I will have Vanilla Bean flavor on my lips until the weather breaks. Except for Mondays and Thursdays. On those days, I use my Shortbread Cookie Chapstick and I have been doing that since the beginning of January because I want to use the Shortbread Cookie chapstick up because I don’t think I will get it again for next year. I chose Monday and Wednesday because normally, that is my “cheese Day” but it’s too cold to eat fresh mozzarella cheese in the winter! That’s more of a spring and summer thing which will be a COMPLETELY different Chapstick flavor choice! I do feel completely accomplished by having used this entire tube of Chapstick.
I feel that I am having somewhat of an, “MS-y” day! I have been working with my speech pathologist and what we have started doing is to have me read children’s books. I understand this because my background in reading tells me that to read books with lots of alliteration helps with speaking. I decided to try this book because it is my absolute favorite and I must have read it to Sean 1 million times!:
I got lost in my memories the first time I read it. I was back living in my Parents’ house and sleeping in my bedroom growing up with a crib next to my bed. It was comforting to read the book and to read it out loud that helps with my speech but it reminded me of reading it to my child! I have decided that if I was going to pick up colors for today it would be brown. I have added the two pages that explain a “Brown day” and I think that’s how I feel right about now…
My speech pathologist wants me to read it aloud daily and I also have to dictate unedited text messages to her. I appreciate all of the work she is doing with me too help me to keep as much of my speech as I can for as long as I can. I still have a lot of work to do today but it is a brown day so I am not motivated…
I have since reconnected with a high school friend and we talk football all of the time! Right after the Stafford trade, I told him that I already bought a jersey for Sean. I told John that he hast to wear this for me because I love Matthew Stafford!:
That picture was taken in the summer add my nephew’s graduation party. I knew that was going to be a good investment! Well, I didn’t KNOW that it would be but I knew that I would always LOVE Matthew Stafford!
I was on the fence about becoming a true Rams fan in the beginning of the season and as the weeks went by, he told me that he is sorry but I already AM a Rams fan! He lives in Texas and he sent me this for Christmas:
I talk with one other high school friend who has not been a believer in Matthew Stafford ever and I constantly defend him and put faith in him for the next season!
So the game started and I was flying high with tons of, “Woos” to go around and lots of clapping And, “ I love you Matty!” My Mom had left to go to her house so I was alone to watch the game. I was having a great time until the second half started after I received this text but I already knew it so I was nervous:
And then I received this text from my other friend:
And then the game ended and all was well! I texted my Barwis trainer, Adam, (who I called Phil). I had previously sent him my Facebook profile picture where Matthew Stafford won his first playoff game. I actually watched Monday night football with Adam one night at Barwis and so he witnessed firsthand May, “I love you Matty!” Shouts!
I texted him this about Sunday’s game:
And he responded to me with:
My friend texted me this fact that he saw in a twee later in the evening:
And then I share that fact with our other high school friend:
And then I sent him this and here is his response:
I really can’t believe that this is happening! Well, actually I CAN believe it but I really can’t! Then I saw the Tweet from GMFB today which made me happy!!!
What's your opinion of Matthew Stafford after beating Tom Brady and the Buccaneers❓❓❓@KyleBrandt – "This is what we've been waiting for with Matthew Stafford since he came out of @GeorgiaFootball!!" pic.twitter.com/GhlvUjsGwt
I am excited because I have never had a horse in the race this far into the playoffs but I’m happy to say that I am consistent! Sean gives me a lot of junk for abandoning the Lions but I told him that I have always been a Matthew Stafford sand and then I’m consistent! I treated this to him after the Game because he KNOWS that I love him!!!
My friend told me to call her husband and talk smack to him about Matthew winning but I was so tired yesterday but a good way!
I clearly remember hearing this song playing in the background as the announcers were talking while I was watching the Cardinals v Rams Wildcard Game. I thought that I would write a blog post about this song because it was so random that I heard it. I remember being 11 years old and buying this single tape with my OWN money because I liked this song so much! It was $2.99 and I felt it was totally worth it because I had my own tape player and I could listen to it endlessly, which I did!
I just read on Facebook this morning that Meatloaf has died. I feel kind of morbid posting this today but I have been thinking about this since that game and I figured I’d share it now:
So, yesterday I felt a bit wonky. Probably because I am not doing well with dealing with my disease progression. 21 years seem to be a little bit much for me! My Mom had laid down for a nap so I was going to watch something on TV. I turned the TV on and just saw the opening scene of this gem! This is my ABSOLUTE favorite Hallmark movie!:
Subconsciously, I compare ALL Hallmark movies with this one! `
Think I like this scene the best because it shows that they belong together! They got married
This was the first movie that I was watching that Sean commented on wondering what it was about. I have been watching the same movies over and over again for his entire life! I don’t know why thought it would be different! He commented on it when he was headed to his room and he turned his head to say something to me at the same time that I begin mouthing the song he was singing in the movie. I love the words that go along with this scene in the movie and her name is Sarah in the movie and her favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip ALSO!!!
And they have belonged together the whole time!
I love these are the final scenes with them getting married!!!
I don’t know how many times I have seen this movie but I’m sure it’s somewhere around 200 or so…?:
I had a difficult morning today! I was going to write about the fact that I am afraid of it and I do not like my, “New normal.” It seems that it’s taking me longer to wake up and move around and be coherent and that scares me. Things are becoming more difficult for me to accomplish. That really stinks!
I made my way to my living room still not feeling well but I knew that I needed Chapstick. I started laughing once I looked at what I will now call my, “Bag of Chapstick.”
The memory is a little hazy but I remember two students being close to my desk. One of them knocked some things off of my desk and the other student somehow exclaimed some thing about, “You dropped her bag of lotion!” I had never heard that before but I laughed kind of a lot! As I laughEd, he said, “Well, that’s what it is! And it really wasLet me explain:
I think it had to be The winter of 2007 or 2008 and my disease had just begun progressing into things that I didn’t even realize but now I know. What was happening in the winter of 2007 or 2008, (well, really BOTH of them!) What is that my hands would get really dry and when it was cold, they would subsequently crack and eventually, they would bleed. At that point, it was clear that I do not like heavy lotions on my body or even my hands. so, my hands would be dry most of the time and in the winter months when it was cold, they would crack and bleed. Sometimes it would start as early as mid October and would go until late February.
to counteract my dry hands, I went to the health food store that say would buy my organic things from. They had a bunch of different lotions and I told the sales person to tell me the lotion to use if I do not like the feel of lotions on my hands. They showed me the specific one and allowed me to test it. It was really light on my skin and I bought one. It was kind of pricey. Hey it had a strange packaging to it, it was shaped funny. it was a hard plastic tube that opened from the bottom and it was shaped kind of like a ball just before the opening and then it had a thinner handle Toward the end opposite of its opening.
I think I had left the tube in my car overnight so it cracked and I wasn’t done using the lotion yet! I put it in a Ziploc gallon bag and just let the lotion seep out inside of the bag. It WAS very expensive on my single mother, teacher’s salary. I had to make it last! It was the only lotion that felt good on my skin. retrospectively, that probably wasn’t the most sanitary option. I use that lotion for a long time but I didn’t buy another one until my hands cracking and bleeding again became a problem. I went back to the store and bought another lotion to deal with my hands that were dry and bleeding. I was in a different classroom then and it was extremely cold in the winter in there. The lotion cracked while I was teaching in the class. I was close to the kitchen in the cafeteria and I got another Ziploc bag to put the cracked lotion tube in.
Now that I no longer work, my hands do not crack and bleed in the winter anymore. I am not out in the elements very often these days. I really appreciated that today that I was able to remember a fond memory from my teaching days and that amused me! Now, I am on a fixed income but I would not say that the chapstick was “Extremely pricey” like the lotion was but it’s more of a “Principle of the matter” for me. Now that I no longer work, I finish chapstick completely! I have posted pictures of completely used chapstick tubes on my blog before! So, even though it wasn’t pricey, I HAVE TO finish it! I remembered my, “Bag of lotion” so now I have a, “Bag of chapstick.” I am almost finished with this tube anyway. I dropped the cap yesterday and I think it rolled under my TV stand for the cable box.
I heard this commercial last night before the YouTube video I was watching played. I know that I have posted about this song before but I heard it again this morning! I remember that song being my jam and I couldn’t place what year it was. I googled it and Fade Into You came out in 1993. I was 11 years old! Back then I was known as, “Jenny.”
So, since I heard this commercial twice I had to post it here so I can listen to the full song whenever I want!