
So, after some hesitation, I have a new phone and I also have a new chair (at least that’s what it feels like). I thought that everything was transferred over to my new phone but I have lost some of my subscriptions on YouTube so I am blindly scrolling through YouTube to find something to watch. But then I received the grounding I needed:

I was at WMU when this song came out. I think that I needed to be reminded of a simpler time because this is proving to be so real!!! At least somewhere in there, my phone still knows me!!!

Just Another Day

My Mom got me out of my bed kind of early today because I did not sleep very well last night. I am sitting in my chair drinking my shake and taking my vitamins. I checked my phone to see what day it was and when I saw that it is August 26. I paused! My heart stopped.

Ttoday was the day that I was hired for my only “Big Girl” job in 2005. My only teaching position. I taught for 12 years until MS decided that I can no longer do it.

I remember that my school leader used to write on an index card because we had to fill out paperwork and our date of hire was a question that we were asked every single year and I remember getting those index cards with his writing on it.

I was thinking about that today and I had to pause my prayers and my water drinking to jot this post because I didn’t wanna forget it. That’s happening a lot now these days…:

this song reminds me of summertime when I was in middle school. My friend’s babysitter really liked Jon Secada so we listened to him a lot!

Spicy OR “There it Is!”

I have never liked or had any affinity to spicy food. When I was in high school, I used to get the question because I am Mexican, I should like spicy food! I don’t. I figured out how to remedy that when people would ask me about not liking spicy food. I would just look at them and say, “I am Mexican. I’m spicy enough!“

I’ve said that to Sean as well! I remember years ago, when Sean was still in high school, my nephew was coming to pick him up. I asked Sean to pick me up some dinner because they were going to be out for the evening so I wanted him to drop it off at the house before he left. Sean asked me what I wanted and I told him my Taco Bell order. This was back when I could still chew!

Sean told me to give him my order so Nathan can pick it up before he comes to our house. I told him, I want to Mexican pizzas with no sauce. So, Nathan came over with my Taco Bell order in his hand. He handed me the bag as Sean came out of his room. He looked at me and said, “Aunt Jenny, how can you have a Mexican pizza without the sauce?!”

Sean had just walked out of his room and he said, ”Ew, mom!” I laughed at both of them and I told them that the sauce at Taco Bell is “White people food.” And then we all laughed and they said that I have to have the sauce with the pizza. I looked at them and said, “You two are white, and I am not!

Wednesday when Sean was here when my chair was getting refurbished (I am still trying to gather my thoughts regarding that refurbishment!) he told me a story about someone saying to him that he looks like a white guy but they thought he was ‘spicy white’ which made Sean laugh. He responded, “I’m half Mexican” To which they replied,”There it is!”

That story made me laugh and it’s funny that I would say that I am spicy enough because I am Mexican and now Sean is also spicy but he is a ‘spicy white guy.’

Not Possible

I greatly dislike opening my eyes to hear rain falling on my roof and my air conditioner. That’s what I heard this morning and I felt it as well! This rain is continuing and it feels awful in my body! I wanted to write about my refurbished chair but maybe tomorrow it won’t be raining because with this rain, that’s just not possible.


My feet woke me up this morning at 6:01 am. I took a pain pill at 6:07 in the morning and tried to fall back to sleep while listening to the rosary. After listening to 2 rosaries, I realized that sleep is not an option anymore. At 8:29 am, I am going to write about what I have been wanting to write about since last Wednesday!!!

I can’t believe that I thought it would be a seamless transition when my power chair that I have been using for four years and one month would be seamless?! But it was and is NOT!!!

I thought it would be a gradual acceptance of my new chair but it is not and will not be!!! I am not due for a new wheelchair until next July but the pad I was using was sufficiently compressed and it hurt!!! That was a problem because I spend most of my waking hours sitting in my wheelchair!!!

I remember when my wheelchair tech, Brad, came to adjust my chair last summer. He told me that my chair is archaic! But I think that it is wonderful! At least, it was wonderful, when the seat was not super compressed and painful. I’m actually good at controlling it!

Last Wednesday, I sat in my manual chair for five hours while my power chair was being refurbished. So, I thought Wednesday would be difficult anyway because I was sitting in my manual chair for so long! And it was comfortable when I switched over to that seat! But then…

When I first got my power chair, Dave, told me that my chair will not move unless the light on the upper left-hand corner is green. As I was tilting to my chair upright so I could sit normally, the chair cushion began to slide!!!

I thought that I would get used to it but it is completely unnerving to slide whenever you transfer from wheelchair or whenever you need to move so the light needs to be green. I didn’t really realize exactly how big of a problem it was until the weekend so I spent last weekend totally uncomfortable! I think it was Saturday night that I told my Mom that sitting in my refurbished chair would be like what I imagine (because I would never do this because that is gross) wearing someone else’s underwear feels like!!!

My Mom called to there yesterday and was told that the seat cushion must have been coded wrong for me to receive the wrong one. I don’t know how long this will take to be rectified because it took six months to get the parts for my current refurbishment!

I am going to get out of bed soon and I am not looking forward to going back to being uncomfortable but that is how it will be until this seat gets replaced! #MSsucks!!!

Jonah IS the REAL Hero!!!

My iPhone 11 died and I Got a 12 and six days after I got it, on August 30, it died. Since then, we have talked to countless Verizon and Apple representatives! It has been a joint venture because I am having quite a difficult time seeing now. We receive so many promises of my phone being delivered and I think it was four days later, I received it and yesterday when my Mom went to activate it they would not transfer data.

We called again today and the woman from Apple was not able to get us anywhere. I told my Mom that Jonah knows more than she did because he has been working there for almost a year in Technical Support with Apple. He wasn’t even on the clock but he did this for us, anyway!!! Jonah is the real hero here!!!

Dynamic Type

So, getting a new phone because my six day old phone died has been more than a fiasco and it has taken 10 days to FINALLY get one! After I got the phone, it took my nephew telling me how to set it all up.

Once it was all set up, I noticed that I could see a little better than I normally did. But didn’t really pay attention to it. I take my contacts out so then I am able to see things on my phone. I would take a lot of screenshots and then make the picture bigger so I would be able to read it. So last night, something was off on the Settings, more specifically, the Accessibility
setting. I realized this this morning and last night before I was going to sleep (even though it was technically this morning):

The image after I click on Accessibility:

It was wonky because the type was bolded and that’s not comfortable for me to see. This is:

I think the last thing about the ‘dynamic text’ allows me to read things on Facebook and Twitter while I have my contacts AND glasses on?! They both adjust to the settings on my phone. This is really nice to see that disabled people are starting to matter too!!!