Dynamic Type

So, getting a new phone because my six day old phone died has been more than a fiasco and it has taken 10 days to FINALLY get one! After I got the phone, it took my nephew telling me how to set it all up.

Once it was all set up, I noticed that I could see a little better than I normally did. But didn’t really pay attention to it. I take my contacts out so then I am able to see things on my phone. I would take a lot of screenshots and then make the picture bigger so I would be able to read it. So last night, something was off on the Settings, more specifically, the Accessibility
setting. I realized this this morning and last night before I was going to sleep (even though it was technically this morning):

The image after I click on Accessibility:

It was wonky because the type was bolded and that’s not comfortable for me to see. This is:

I think the last thing about the ‘dynamic text’ allows me to read things on Facebook and Twitter while I have my contacts AND glasses on?! They both adjust to the settings on my phone. This is really nice to see that disabled people are starting to matter too!!!