“Step into Millennium”

Well, my feet still hurt but I wanted to write about this before I forget. As if I could forget any of this?! I was thinking to write about our second to last stop in our three day van excursion. It was supposed to be the first day but Brian gave us the wrong directions so that day was a bust!

That’s right, I am going to talk about my compression socks! I am a little bit disappointed that they were ordered on Wednesday afternoon and they still have not arrived to my house! But let me splain ya my compression sock journey does far! In this process, I am going to have to share embarrassing pictures of myself but I’m OK with that.

I definitely need to get my medical records so I can get the dates straight but I remember that I tore my left hamstring and was prescribed compression socks because my leg swelled up tremendously! The tech who measured me told me that he had to measure my thigh and I agreed but told him not to tell me what the results were and we both laughed because we saw how swollen my leg was!:

Retrospectively, I know that my socks were a size 3 back then to accommodate my very swollen Say because of my torn hamstring

I just had to wear a compression sock on my left leg to get the swelling down and myMom put them on. She has always made it look easy but I guess it’s not very easy at all! I think I took this picture a couple of days after I started wearing them:

So, my hamstring got better but my ankles started to swell and then it was decided that I needed to wear compression socks all of the time:

My Mom and I have talked about this and in the beginning of me starting to wear them. I would wear them for a few days and take a couple days off before putting them back on. I still had enough blood flow but that wasn’t a problem. This is no longer the case! I actually had to switch to a size down from size 3 to a size 2 in August 2021. Because I did not want to feel like an old lady, I opted to purchase the black ones as if that makes any difference.

I would say in the past six months, my compression socks have felt strange like they were too loose. I knew that it was time for new socks because laying in bed at night my legs would scream with a tingling sensation! So, on Wednesday I got fitted.

The woman measured my ankle and my thigh and both of my legs and she was writing down a bunch of things as she was measuring and then when she was finished, while my mom still was holding my leg, I asked her what size. She looked at her paperwork and then at me and said, “One.”

When I heard her say that, my mind drifted back to high school and a song that was my boyfriend’s favorite song! So, of course I had to learn the words! When she said one, without even thinking I just said, “For this sun. Step into millennium.”

I have so many things to say regarding our three day van excursion but I’m choosing to reference a methodman song?! Well, here it is:

“Nice Shoesees!”

I posted the link to The Chipmunk Adventure not too long ago both on Facebook and Twitter for one reason! To show the moment when Simon and Alvin are taken captive after trying to find Theodore who was stolen in the night to be the, “ Prince of Plenty.” They tried to bargain with them with their clothes and their, “Nice Shoesees”:!

That is the scene where Alvin is trying to bribe them to give Theodore back and he offers them clothes and, “Nice Shoesees.”

I will put the link here as well just because I think I will have to watch this movie again but there is a reason as to why the whole, “Nice Shoesees’” thing came up!:

So, I posted not too long ago that I got new shoes:

I remember that I crabbed about how expensive they were compared to how much they used to be and I thought that was that. The outsides of both feet began to ache a little bit and I couldn’t understand it because I’ve been wearing the same size shoes since middle school! I hadn’t had a new pair of shoes for a while, since before the shut down!

Well, my Mom washed my feet on holy Saturday and made an appointment for me early Monday morning so I went to see the dermatologist on Tuesday. My feet have been pronating for a while:

I hadn’t realized how much more pronounced it had become with me by not working out at Barwis because they stretched my feet out to prevent that but the other day, as my Mom was tending to my feet, I saw this and it startled me:

She is just holding my foot up and it is bending that way naturally and trying to find a pair of shoes to combat then is extremely difficult! We went to Total Runner in Southgate because their shoes support feet better. I remember buying running shoes for Sean and the coach telling us that the colors are not important, it’s the fit! I knew that going in and they told us to bring in my old shoes and we will see what’s going on.

I showed up there with no shoes on and just my feet elevated on a pillow because they were hurting so badly! I thought of The Chipmunk Adventure because seeing the salesman holding my shoes looked exactly like Alvin holding up his shoes! I had to laugh about that! That’s a movie I saw over 1 million times in my childhood!

So, he assessed my shelltoes and he said that the toebox was too small and fit me with some different shoes. He had three options. Knowing that color was not going to be important I just brace myself for all of the color options. The first one was a light blue which I didn’t like. The second one was black and navy which I didn’t like that much either. But the third option was MY option! I just took this picture of these shoes a few days ago and well after a month of having them and they are not worn at all meaning they don’t get worn outside on the sidewalk:

I have to leave my house tomorrow for bloodwork and another doctor appointment and I wonder if I am going to need to recover from that as well! I’m not even done recovering from the last outing yet!!!

As for the shoes, because of the problems I have been having with my feet, I only wear them upon transfer to my bed and to the bathroom. Otherwise, I am barefoot which is striking because that doctor who asked me so many months ago, “Why do you wear shoes?!” Now, the answer is, ‘just barely’ but at least they are purple!!!

A Name

Lichen Aureus.

Today was a doubleheader with the van. I needed blood work done and then I had an appointment with a doctor who my Mom has a lot of faith in! I have asked 4 different doctors about the lines on way shin toward my foot. It absolutely made me crazy! I thought my leg was going to have to be cut off because it was some kind of blood clot but it did not hurt. But then in the past week, I got another line on my left leg?!

The moment Dr. Koger opened the door and greeted us, he looked at my feet and told me what it was! He then explained it to me and my Mom that it’s rare but there’s nothing to worry about.

I will write about this more tomorrow because I DID just play a doubleheader and I am tired but I am anxious to tell you about my feet and how they are going to be the death of me! But, before they kill me, they will kill my Mom!

The Deal with my Feet

Before I explain what happened yesterday with my feet, I first need to explain what was going on. Probably about seven or eight months ago, I noticed the first brown line on my shin.. *FORGIVE THE FOOT PICTURE… but I HAVE TO ‘splain ya?!:

This deeply concerned me because I thought blood clots give you lines. But it did not hurt. I saw 2 Internal Medicine doctors a couple months apart and neither one of them knew what it was. Those doctors, they were women about my age. Then, probably a few weeks after that, I saw a podiatrist and asked specifically about this. He didn’t know what it was either! I think he was a little bit younger than me.

But, I went to see a dermatologist because I was having problems with my feet. Here is the deal with my feet!:

I kind of have to explain it in a long, drawn out way but I like telling stories. This particular story, the moral is that #MSsucks!!! I am just going to give you a rough explanation about what’s happening, I wrote about it specifically for each thing that happened but it all started when I could no longer sleep in my bed!

I just slept in my chair. I was told that it’s NOT designed for sleeping but people do it. my Mom let me know that she (and my Dad) were going to purchase an adjustable bed for me. I actually had to sleep in my chair with my shoes on because it was not comfortable and it hurt my ankles. That particular action ended up costing me a month so far and another month at least because it takes so long for my body to heal!

So, I went to see a dermatologist regarding what was happening because it was so painful! I have already written about my feet pronating so much and because of that, the sides of my shoes gave me incredible blisters!:

so, I asked about treating these blisters and one on my right foot ended up being bloody. The ‘under the skin’ bloody which is gross! But while we were discussing those sores, he told me that I had ringworm.


When I told Sean about it, he asked me, “What are you, a seven-year-old wrestler?!” I laughed when he said that because when he was wrestling when he was seven, there was a big infestation with his wrestling team! He told me that he thinks that the cream is still in the closet. I assure you that it would not keep medicine for 13 years and that linen closet isn’t even there anymore after my renovations.

The resident explained to me that dark moist areas give you ringworm and because my compression socks and my shoes were not allowing my feet to breathe that’s what happened.

So, that’s the deal with my feet. The sores on the side of my toes are healing nicely but this whole ringworm thing is awful!!!

I haven’t felt my feet in over 20 years but this really hurts! Ringworm really is a ring. They look like quarters and have scabbed over but because my Mom washes my feet morning and night and takes my compression socks off, which are quite difficult to get off! The scabs have come off. They bleed now! That hurts even more!

The four doctors and resident I asked about that brown line on my foot had no idea what it was but Dr. Koger knew exactly what it was the moment he walked into the door! He has been a doctor since I was three years old. He told me it was rare and then said he wanted to do a little bit more research and then he will be back.

My Mom and I completed a Google search while we waited:

When he came back, he said that his research that he just conducted reaffirmed what it is and I asked him if I could put my new compression socks on with the ringworm going on in my body. He said that was okay because I have been on medication for it for so long and that because this lesion has to do with capillaries that he thought that my smaller compression socks (that I am wearing right now!) would help!.

I don’t even care if those lines disappear (I recently got a line on my left foot as well) but these smaller compression socks feel wonderful! My Mom does NOT like putting them on because they are tighter and more difficult to put on but I love them! I talked with my Mom today and she says that it will probably be another month before my feet are normal again. That’s the deal with my feet.

Too Much OR Broken

Last night, (well, really this morning) dealing with my feet has proven to be too much! My feet hurt so badly as my Mom tended to them and I think after 21 years with MS and just over a month dealing with the problems with my feet, This tears started streaming. A lot of them and really fast. I wiped them away as fast as I could because nobody likes tears in their ears when you’re aying down.

I have said before that this external pain is too much and this morning, it broke me. I am broken. My Mom tried to be encouraging this morning as she tended them some more and she said that they are healing but my body takes forever to heal and I’m not sure if I want to do this!

but I guess that I have to…

That’s Disgusting!

I didn’t a cry yesterday and my Mom tells me that my feet are getting better so I felt a little better. That is until Sean came over today. She has been taking pictures of my feet for the past month and it takes FOREVER to heal anything! She showed him the pictures And he said, “ that’s disgusting! It looks like a hole?!”

Sean told me that it looked painful and it is but I guess they are not as better as I thought they were…


For me, my Mom has always been the most optimistic person I have known! After all, her favorite movie is Pollyanna. Me and all of my brothers can quote that movie almost Word for Word!:

I really needed that this morning and let me explain why:

Not too long ago, my Mom and I were talking and I told her the last time I really woke up feeling rested from night sleep was probably back in high school. Back when I lived with my Parents. My brothers and I refer to that as, “6020.”

So, ever since I moved out on my own, my MS has been progressing so I do not sleep well at night. I don’t even dream anymore. I just wake up and I’m always tired but. That’s just the way it is and I have accepted it.

But now… I am awakened in the morning by pain in my feet! I really can’t get over the fact that I haven’t felt my feet for 20 years but now they wake me up out of my sleep! This morning, my Mom took my socks off to tend to my feet and she took a picture of my sores before she cleans them.

I’m not going to post these pictures here because that is not what kind of blog this is but when she showed them to me I thought that they looked awful! As she washed my feet, she told me that they are healing and it was just going to take time.

She looked up at me as she was washing my feet and with tears in my eyes, all I could do was say, “Your optimism-“ before I had to stop talking for fear that the tears would come out of my eyes and I shook my head. I have since told her that it is her optimism that is going to get me through this because it is seriously killing me!!!

“It was 2005!”

I was talking to Sean not too long ago on the phone and he told me that he would live back at Fairlane East again. I told him that they have bad plumbing and I reminded him of the sewer back up in our second apartment.

He told me that he would just put a backwater valve in his unit and I laughed and told him that he can’t do that! He was asking me how much I paid for both of our apartments and then he told me that the price has not gone up that much!

He told me that he could get an apartment there for $1390 a month. We continued talking and then he said to me, ”Nevermind. That’s the price for a one bedroom and one bathroom apartment. I started to laugh and I told him for our first apartment, it was $780 a month.

He started to laugh really hard and said that was, “The most 2007 thing“ he has ever heard me say. I started to laugh with him and I clarified by saying, “ it was 2005!“ we both laughed hysterically!

Breathing Room

I was just thinking about this today and this started in our second apartment so Sean was five or six. My mobility was beginning to diminish and it was unbeknownst to me that my disease was progressing. I would ask Sean to retrieve things for me often if I was in a different part of the apartment. So he would get them for me and bring it over.

But here’s the thing about Sean, he is slower than molasses in January when it comes to doing things. I used to tell him when I would ask him for something, I would add the phrase, “With urgency!” I would tell him that but he never did ANYTHING with urgency EVER!

When he was taking too long (which was all the time), I would call to him from the living room or my bedroom wherever I was at in the apartment and he would retrieve whatever from the kitchen or somewhere else. I would say, “You’re killing me, Sean!” (and, yes, I have used the Sandlot reference often with him) but when he would answer from wherever he was at in the apartment, I would say after I told him that he is killing me, I would say, “I’m dead!”

I have often told Sean that it was fun growing up with him because I had him so young. We laugh about it now! So, the issues I’m having with my feet.…

This has been going on since mid April and I tell my Mom all the time that this is killing us because it is!!! She is doing so much extra work but that is to keep my feet from getting terribly infected.

I have not put my contacts in today because we were so late getting ready to get out of bed. I bought two pair of size 1 compression socks that is the size that I wear now. To give both of us some breathing room because we are close to death now, my aunt Lola, my Mom‘s sister ordered us two more pair of compression socks. I am wearing new compression socks right now! My Mom was able to wash two pair last night and they’re hanging to dry so I will have socks to wear tonight when my Mom washes my feet again.

I swear that my feet are so clean but holy Thursday has always been my favorite day of the year as a Catholic! Today, my Mom took pictures of my feet and as she handed me her phone, she told me that it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Because my feet look TERRIBLE right now!!!

My Mom is resting right now before we have dinner and then we will start the night washing. This is really killing me! I am so close to saying that “I am dead”…