Breathing Room

I was just thinking about this today and this started in our second apartment so Sean was five or six. My mobility was beginning to diminish and it was unbeknownst to me that my disease was progressing. I would ask Sean to retrieve things for me often if I was in a different part of the apartment. So he would get them for me and bring it over.

But here’s the thing about Sean, he is slower than molasses in January when it comes to doing things. I used to tell him when I would ask him for something, I would add the phrase, “With urgency!” I would tell him that but he never did ANYTHING with urgency EVER!

When he was taking too long (which was all the time), I would call to him from the living room or my bedroom wherever I was at in the apartment and he would retrieve whatever from the kitchen or somewhere else. I would say, “You’re killing me, Sean!” (and, yes, I have used the Sandlot reference often with him) but when he would answer from wherever he was at in the apartment, I would say after I told him that he is killing me, I would say, “I’m dead!”

I have often told Sean that it was fun growing up with him because I had him so young. We laugh about it now! So, the issues I’m having with my feet.…

This has been going on since mid April and I tell my Mom all the time that this is killing us because it is!!! She is doing so much extra work but that is to keep my feet from getting terribly infected.

I have not put my contacts in today because we were so late getting ready to get out of bed. I bought two pair of size 1 compression socks that is the size that I wear now. To give both of us some breathing room because we are close to death now, my aunt Lola, my Mom‘s sister ordered us two more pair of compression socks. I am wearing new compression socks right now! My Mom was able to wash two pair last night and they’re hanging to dry so I will have socks to wear tonight when my Mom washes my feet again.

I swear that my feet are so clean but holy Thursday has always been my favorite day of the year as a Catholic! Today, my Mom took pictures of my feet and as she handed me her phone, she told me that it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Because my feet look TERRIBLE right now!!!

My Mom is resting right now before we have dinner and then we will start the night washing. This is really killing me! I am so close to saying that “I am dead”…

One thought on “Breathing Room”

  1. Hey Jen,
    Fight, fight, fight you have lots to look forward to. Always in our prayers 🙂
    Love ya,

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