I did NOT even put my contacts in today. I had a rough night last night that I think I’ll write about tomorrow. Maybe. Instead, I completed this puzzle on my phone in silence. My Mom was taking Leia for a walk and I just sat in the silence and kind of appreciated it because I don’t feel well. Here’s the puzzle that I completed with no soundtrack:
Category: A Bit Of Randomness
This category is full of randomness that really doesn’t fit nicely into any of the categories having to do with my road to walking.
Silence IS Golden.
Puzzle #2:
They came home and I remained silent. I even ate my dinner in the silence. It was tortillas and eggs because that’s easy for me to chew. My mom even gave me a piece of dove mint and dark chocolate. I eat it because it only takes for a bite to eat for me. I no longer can read what is written in the rapper anymore. I prayed for a while and I’m just not kicking this today…
This really concerns me because this what year 21 seems to be looking like!!! So, silence is golden while my mind is racing!!!
Tilt OR Internal V External Pain
Still trying to process all of the things that are going on with me! I feel like I am in a cartoon and Daffy duck is being pushed around in a pinball and he gets all crazy eyes because he’s dizzy and then the red letters, “Tilt” comes on the screen because he is totally in overload. Well, that’s how I feel right now!!!
And this is why:
It still is a matter of internal pain verses external pain. I can totally and completely handle internal pain! I have been doing that for 21+ years! Not by choice! But this is the way it is! But, external pain not so much. I have been realizing that the past four days! I have been experiencing external pain for about a week. Last Tuesday, I went to the dermatologist and had him help with the sores/blisters that irrupt it on the outside of both of my feet.
That same day, we bought new shoes for me to help with that because my other shoes were the ones that gave me the blisters/sores and I’m trying to deal with that right now and I’ll write about it soon.
But, to deal with the sores on my feet, which I normally can’t feel so it really doesn’t hurt me, hurts now! My Mom will take my socks off at night and tend to the sores with Neosporin. To let my feet air out, I will sleep in my bed without compression socks. In ‘zero gravity’ mode which is most comfortable. Doctors have been telling me since I started wearing them in 2016 that I should take them off when I sleep but I did not want to do that because I depended on them so much. I was too afraid to! But now, I HAVE to! But, the reason I have to wear them 24 seven it’s because I no longer have blood flow in my legs. My legs begin to swell in 2016 and that’s when I started wearing them. At first, I just wore them for a few days at a time and I take a couple days off but then it became apparent that I can’t take any time off for long periods of time.
But, for the last four days, I realize why I HAVE to keep them on all night! I have CRYSTAL CLEAR realization/revelation for the past four days by being ripped out of my sleep because my legs are throbbing so terribly! Hey I’m not really familiar with this song but it was the B side of, “My name is Luca” by Suzanne Vega. It wasn’t even my tape but I vaguely remember the song and as I am being ripped for my sleep at about 6:30 in the morning, this song plays in my head:
I am NOT a fan at all of this external pain but I fear that it will take a long while to heal! My MS ridden body no longer heals they quickly at all! I wonder how long this is going to take but this one is a difficult pill to swallow for sure!
#MyGirlL: 2 Years
Well, in preparation for today, I took this picture of Leia:
Today marks two years from the day we got her! I just remember how little she was! I am still not a dog person so much but I am DEFINITELY a, “Leia person.”
I have told both Sean and my Mom that I don’t have a daughter so I like to dress her up! She really doesn’t argue with me. I saw these pictures in my Facebook memories and I had to share it here! I just love her!!!:
In the two years that we have had her, I had to live through watching her go through heartworm treatment which was extremely tough and she has been on prescription dog food for a little over a year, has sensitive skin and allergies but she is worth every penny!!!:
The picture we saw and made us adopt her:
And a few fashion pics:
Now, I can’t find her adorable raincoat picture with my Mom so instead, let’s get an oldie but a goodie pic. This was a couple weeks after she came to us and I doubt she will EVER let me put these on her now!
This IS Why OR A Change in Strategy
I started wearing compression socks in 2015. I would wear them for a few days, then not, and then when my ankle swelled, I would put them on again. But then in 2016, I tore my hamstring while working out at Barwis because MS is a very mean disease! It was here when it became obvious that I needed to wear them all of the time!!!
My second knee surgeon is the Doctor Who prescribed my current compression socks. They are 30 pound compression. That is a lot of compression and is very difficult to put on, my Mom makes it look easy but it hurts her hands!
In the past few years, the past few doctors in different areas questioned me about why I sleep with them on. I never have an answer for them when they ask but last night, I was clearly reminded that this IS why I do not take my socks off at all! Here’s what happened:
For the past four days I think, I have been sleeping without my compression socks on and then I am ripped out of my sleep with the pain of my legs throbbing because of my lack of blood flow. This is why I don’t take them off!!! But, I HAVE TO now because I have blisters on the outside of both of my feet. (The one on my right foot is bloody by the way – it IS my poop side!
My Mom will take my socks off when I’m laying in my bed and tend to the blisters. Well, last night probably about an hour or two after she did that and I had just drifted off to sleep, my right leg was in excruciating pain and my left leg was following suit!
So the answer to why I don’t take my socks off was made pretty clear to me last night because my body can’t handle difficult things, you know, like circulating blood throughout my entire legs.
So, this change in strategy is getting to bed earlier to allow time for my Mom to tend to my feet and then a couple hours later, put my socks back on because I finally felt like I slept better! We will see how this all work out… I don’t know…
From the Deep Recesses of my Mind…
I woke up this morning and I saw this meme on Facebook before I even got out of bed which is exactly how I feel all of the time now:
Before I began my routine of taking my vitamins, drinking my shake, and praying, This showed up on my phone:
I KNEW that this picture existed! And I thought that I would share it because it will add to all of Leia’s outfits.
I am not even sure how it showed up on my phone but it came up in a montage of pictures and once that picture came up, I audibly said, ”I fund it!” It took me a moment to realize why I said that because back when I was in high school, more than 20 years ago, my friend used to say that. That was her way of saying “Found.” And I used to laugh about it because even back then, I knew I was going to be an English teacher. It came out so naturally this morning and it made me smile at all the things we used to do together in high school!
I was too much in high school! But, that’s what I do now, just live through memories…
Out of my Funk? OR Notable Puzzlin’ Tune #5
I have not realized that I have been in a funk for a while. Since I went to the doctor for my feet. So, a couple days before that as one really started to hurt and then I found out some answers. Now I just have to wait. But here’s the thing, my body does not heal quickly at all! I’ve told you before that I can handle internal pain but external pain, yeah, not so much.
i’m posted that I was completing puzzles in silence and I posted these two puzzles:
But then I completed three more in silence:
I had just excepted that I was just going to do this in silence because my mind is so full because the pain in my feet is putting my brain into overload. But then I saw and completed this puzzle:
When I completed this puzzle, I completely thought of this movie and it made me want to watch it again and listen to music again.
A Familiar Ease into It OR Notable Puzzlin’ Tune #6, #7, #8
So, I’ve started listening to music again while I am in puzzlin’ and my mom is resting. Of course I started with my old reliable standby:
And it morphed into a few different songs but the first one I heard after that one took me back to my teaching and driving days:
These are two things that I did NOT think that I will NOT be doing right now and that’s sad ending of itself but, I completed the puzzle to this song:
And the puzzle:
I like that I was east into listening to music while I puzzled. The sounds made it into a very familiar ease!
May 1.
This is a memorable day for me! Even more so now because I live in my memories because my current state is kind of difficult. I will always remember these dates for the rest of my life. On May 1, 2001, I found out that I was pregnant with Sean. I had him seven months later and he stayed 31 days in the NICU.
But then, and May 1, 2005, that’s when my favorite picture of Sean and me was taken:
I clearly remember that day and I wanted to re-create that picture at Sean‘s high school graduation but that didn’t happen because I did not attend his high school’s abridged commencement ceremony because Cove it was reaching back then and I am immuno compromised. This was The picture we got to take the day of his graduation:
Somewhat of a modified re-creation but everything in my life is modified now…
How Did I Miss This One?!
I was playing solitaire tonight and I was listening to music. This song came on and I had to stop playing solitaire and look at the lyrics. Then I played this song a second time. How did I miss this one?! I love her! She sings my walking song!:
I completed a Google search and this song came out in 2013. So much of my life was different back then! I was still working, still driving, and still in a manual wheelchair. But back in 2013, I think my abilities had just begun to slip…
I went down the rabbit hole of information about her in my Google search and I saw this that made me smile. She’s Catholic just like me:
I no longer go to mass in person but I think this is my new favorite song even though it is so old but… so am I now!:
I wish I could still sing! But at this point, for me, there is NOTHING beautiful about having MS.