How Did I Miss This One?!

I was playing solitaire tonight and I was listening to music. This song came on and I had to stop playing solitaire and look at the lyrics. Then I played this song a second time. How did I miss this one?! I love her! She sings my walking song!:

I completed a Google search and this song came out in 2013. So much of my life was different back then! I was still working, still driving, and still in a manual wheelchair. But back in 2013, I think my abilities had just begun to slip…

I went down the rabbit hole of information about her in my Google search and I saw this that made me smile. She’s Catholic just like me:

I no longer go to mass in person but I think this is my new favorite song even though it is so old but… so am I now!:

I wish I could still sing! But at this point, for me, there is NOTHING beautiful about having MS.