From the Deep Recesses of my Mind…

I woke up this morning and I saw this meme on Facebook before I even got out of bed which is exactly how I feel all of the time now:

Before I began my routine of taking my vitamins, drinking my shake, and praying, This showed up on my phone:

I KNEW that this picture existed! And I thought that I would share it because it will add to all of Leia’s outfits.

I am not even sure how it showed up on my phone but it came up in a montage of pictures and once that picture came up, I audibly said, ”I fund it!” It took me a moment to realize why I said that because back when I was in high school, more than 20 years ago, my friend used to say that. That was her way of saying “Found.” And I used to laugh about it because even back then, I knew I was going to be an English teacher. It came out so naturally this morning and it made me smile at all the things we used to do together in high school!

I was too much in high school! But, that’s what I do now, just live through memories…