“Your Feet are So Small!”

Here’s the deal, my brain is slowing down. By that I mean, when I spoke with my Speech Pathologist at the beginning of this year, she told me that I am slower, but I am not unintelligible, so I don’t need her services right now. MS is a progressive disease, so I’m not sure when I will need it again, but she is already on my team of doctors.

I need to say this first, as I explain that there is ‘method to my madness.’ I want to say that this all started in October 2021. That is when I heard a commercial about the Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz. I started the Bible in 2022 for the first time. I got pressure sores on both of my heels that were a thing from April to November of that year. I think the pain was a lot more excruciating than I was experiencing, but I got through it. actually, my Mom and I got through it! She took such good care of my feet!

I am in my third read through of the Bible and yesterday, I heard John chapter 13, 14, and 15. That is the beginning of the Lord’s passion, and when Jesus washes the apostles feet! I listen to the Bible twice in the day. Once when I am trying to wake up and be ready for the day and then I listen to it a second time when I am going to sleep just to hear it again, because I am slowing down, my thought processes, I mean.

I listen to the Bible passages while I am laying in bed for the second time. Last night, Jesus washed the apostles feet, and I was completely reminded of Mr. Flint and my New Testament class!!! He washed our feet! He wasn’t going to wash the entire classes feet, rather, I think it was about five or six students. He explained it to us like this, he was going to wash some of our feet and he put our names on pieces of paper. He was going to read the names, and each student would decide if they wanted their feet washed in front of the class.

All I remember is that with each name, nobody wanted their feet washed! And then I remember when he saw my name. He took a breath and said. “Jenny Rios.” I shot up out of my seat and put my arms over my head and yelled as I ran to the front of our classroom like I was on The Price is Rght! I was seated in the back, so it was a very dramatic run! I was way too much back in high school!!! in retrospect, I’m glad that I lived it up because I was not prepared for what MS was going to do to me…

This being the third read through the Bible, but for my second, and for my third read through, I am reading the Bible twice. Maybe this is my fifth time through the Bible?! I will say that I am slowly getting more understanding after hearing the Bible. I thought I had understanding going to a catholic school for my whole life and being a Bible quiz champion. But I did not really know the Bible like I do now!

It’s only now that I understand, or I’m beginning to understand what Mr. Flint was doing! I’ve always thought the washing of the feet was such a beautiful thing at mass on holy Thursday! But when Mr. Flint did it in our classroom, after he was finished, washing my feet, he said, “Your feet are so small!” I remember, laughing and telling him, “These are my feet?!”

So, I drifted off to sleep last night with fond memories of Mr. Flint as I was listening to the passage recounting the Lord‘s passion, and I smiled!!!

Aware. A Little MORE Than Aware…

My hips. Oh, my hips!!! It does not hurt per se, but I am very much aware of my hips. More than aware! I am reclined in my chair, and I told both my mom and Sean (he came by today) That it doesn’t feel good! I made the face of how it feels and it’s not good:

This is the face. I am making all day long because it doesn’t feel good! I will get my eyebrows waxed on Wednesday. This stinks! But I’m very grateful that it doesn’t hurt so much, but it doesn’t feel good at all!!!


Well, my hips still are not lying. I’m a little bit concerned. It just feels so weird. It doesn’t hurt but I wonder if that’s because I can’t really feel it. My pressure sores that I had from April to November in 2022 hurt but I think that it hurt a lot more than I was feeling it because I really can’t feel my feet. I was just telling my Mom that I really can’t feel my entire body or at least control it! IT’S SO WEIRD!!!

I’m a Sellout!!!

My Mom and I watched a movie today that came out in 1989. I was seven years old. I did have to confess to my Mom that I saw this movie with my aunt Rita and uncle Ed. Today, I was sitting in their living room watching this movie, and I remember that my and Rita warned me about the bad language Told me that everything will work out in the end:

As we watch this movie, I don’t remember it being this suspenseful! I think I was just enjoying being with my aunt and uncle. I probably spent the night! My Mom was chastising my aunt today, and couldn’t believe that she showed this movie to her seven year old daughter. I’m sorry, Rita! I’m a sellout!

Well, MY Hips Don’t Lie…

Today was a little more tolerable than yesterday. Yesterday with the rain my head hurt so badly. My hips did not feel well at all and my knees were throbbing. Both of them. I will not go see my endocrinologist until May 16.

Today I was nervous when my left hip kind of slipped out. By that, it reminds me of when I bought Sean the light sabers when he was about five. The light saber is in segments, and you push it all down when you put it away. But that’s what I feel with my hips. It kind of slips. The segment comes out a little bit. My Mom asked me about that o when my left hip slipped for the first time, I told her, “Well, my hips don’t lie…”

Recently, I can’t seem to find the humor in finding a song that fits. But today was not as bad as yesterday I have never liked Shakira’s voice But this one is fitting I suppose…

“You Should’ve Led with That”

Yesterday, while I was talking with Sean and dealing with his anti-climactic reaction to our tree skirt being found. Our vintage tree skirt that matches our Stockings?!

We were just having conversation, and in passing, I told him that I was invited to a Pampered Chef Facebook party, and I ordered chocolate banana bread, and it had just arrived yesterday:

He was silent for a moment, and then he said, “You should have led with that!” it was my turn to laugh! Sean has said that his favorite is banana bread and I saw that option so I got it! I told him that we will go this week to get bananas then wait for them to Brown up

“Do You Want to Hear the MOST Exciting News?!”

I called Sean today and opened with this question,” Do you want to hear the most exciting news?! He was a little bit startled, but he could hear that I was excited, and he agreed to hear the news.

I was so excited that I blurted it out right away! I just said, very excitedly, “Abuela found the tree skirt!” Sean was silent and then he started to laugh. He told me that he was not expecting that statement! I told him that it is so exciting because it is vintage! 2005! I told him that I AM excited about it! My Mom told me that she boxed up the tree skirt in 2016 because that’s what she wrote on the box.

I am going to consult my records but I want to say that I did NOT put my tree up in 2017 because that was the Christmas I had my second knee surgery, and then I was fired. I was a little bit bummed to say the least!!! I’m not even sure when we started putting it back up. I think that was in 2022 or something.

I’m just excited that this year. I will have my Christmas decorations complete!!!

Rando Tune #61

I saw footage of this song song at Taylor Swift’s concert, and that sent me back as soon as I started to hear the song, I was back teaching, and I was still driving and going to Barwis, but I was on the cusp of doing none of that and being homebound. But I didn’t know that back then:

Everything seems to have a tinge of sadness these days… I texted my best friend that this is difficult now and I’ve never had MS this long… I hope this funk is not lasting…