Collecting Doctors

Well, today is Monday. My aunt Iris was able to transfer the information from MyChart to an email. I emailed the results to my naturopath. I see him on February 21.

Neda from my internist office, called my Mom’s phone because that is the phone number that I have in my MyChart. She is more reliable to speak over the phone than I am. Dr. Chamas gave me a referral for endocrinology. I made that appointment today. It’s in May.

It looks like I am collecting doctors now. I have had a Neurologist for the entire time that I’ve had MS. I saw a neural ophthalmologist when I was pregnant because I had optic neuritis then, but he told me that he couldn’t do anything because I was ‘super pregnant.’ I saw him again when Sean was 10 and I had an and I had a visual field test and then I saw him a couple years ago. My optometrist told me that he is retiring at my optometry appointment last July so this year when I see the neural ophthalmologist, it won’t be him.

My first neurologist and his nurse retired, and now my neural ophthalmologist in here I am, still sick. I think I have this whole Chronic Illness Care thing down. Not like I wanted it, but I can do it. My MS is getting serious now and I wonder how many doctors I will end up collecting when it’s all set and done?