“Cold, Misty Rain”

My Mom came into the house after taking something to the garbage outside and she told me that it was “Cold, misty rain” outside.” Moments after she said that to me, I felt it in my body. My entire body! That type of news can only be met with grunts and groans.

We watched Rocky 4 on Wednesday. Well, I started watching it, and my Mom came into the living room and started watching it just after Apollo died. When it was over, she told me that she forgot how good of a movie that was! I told her that I used to watch it all the time when Sean was young and I wanted to see it, because Paulie died this year.

My Mom told me how she and my Dad went to see Rocky when it came out at the movie theater. We watched that one on Thursday! I gave my Mom a synopsis of Rocky 2, Rocky 3, and Rocky 5. I told her that I used to watch Rocky 4 all of the time when Sean was young. I told my mom that’s the best one!