Deal with It!

Today, I woke up and my Mom was taking Leia for a walk up to CVS. I had just awakened, so I didn’t want to move at all. My Mom asked me if I wanted her to unplug my bed because it gets pretty loud in the morning! I told her not yet because I wanted the freedom of movement in case I wanted to adjust the bed.

The tech is not coming out until next Tuesday to address the motor at my feet. Today was the first full day that we have had heat. My body cannot handle this weather change at all!!! at least I’m over the nose bleeds now..,

I’m pretty startled at how I am feeling right now but I was thinking it’s the fact that I am staring down the barrel of 23 years and that’s kind of tripping me out a little bit… Or A LOT! I never would have thought that MS would get this bad!!! But this is where I am right now, and I just have to deal with it! 😒😒😒…