#MyGirlL: My Fingers

It is NOT uncommon for me to choke while drinking my water and taking my vitamins in the morning! With me now having dysarthria, that happens a lot more. It happened this morning… twice!

The first time it happened really concerned me! I beeped the horn to my chair because I could not sit up straight enough as I was trying to adjust my chair. My Mom will come and press on my back and that opens my lungs to allow air in!

As I was choking the first time, I felt my Mom’s hands on my back and I could feel the air coming into my lungs and at the same time, I felt a little tongue lick my fingers! I smiled as a was breathing slowly. I sat back and my Mom gestured to Leia with her hands. I continued smiling and closed my eyes and added, “Precious. girl!”

She knows that I HATE when she licks my fingers because I know where that tongue has been but she likes the taste of my soap and she is just a precious girl!