Birthday Pancakes

Today is the first day of MY Birthday Month! I am so excited! Now, when I say that I’m just excited to have a birthday! I really don’t care about presents! I had an appointment with my speech pathologist today and she shares my Birthday Month AND she also believes in celebrating for a month when it comes to birthdays! I told her that great minds think a like!

There have already been a couple bummers for the beginning of “Birthday Month.” But I am still choosing to keep going regardless! Because March 1 is also the beginning of MS Awareness Month AND the fact that it is MY “Birthday Month” it all makes me feel EXTRA special because I am involved with both of those things! I was born in March and I have MS. Here are the two bombers so far this month (hopefully it doesn’t keep happening!):

I signed up for a candy party probably six months ago for my birthday. Well, the woman who runs that place sold her business so my Facebook party that was supposed to kick off today did not. But I messaged with her yesterday and she will set me up with the new owner and she can Set up a bitch a party for me this month in two weeks I think. Well, I had other Facebook parties already planned but we’ll figure it out. The second thing is that I ordered a shirt for MS Awareness Month but I can’t find it. It’s in a package probably under some clothes and I wanted to wear it today and change my profile pictures for both Twitter and Facebook but I can’t find it. GRRR!!!

This morning, my Mom asked me if I want “Birthday Pancakes” this year. And let me explain to you what “Birthday Pancakes” are. I asked my Mom and neither one of us really remember where it originated! I this is what I remember from “Birthday Pancakes” being a thing. I think it started when I was 16 because I was the only one still living in the house then and I will always choose pancakes over waffles anytime of the day! But I will choose French toast over pancakes but that’s a different story. So, I was in high school when it became a thing. All it was, is that my Mom would make me pancakes the morning of my birthday.

But now, rewind to March 12, 2003. We talked about the events of that morning today as well. Back on March 12, 2003, my Mom opened the door to our bedroom (Sean was alive and we were both living with my Parents back then and sharing a bedroom). I was still sleeping and I expected my Mom to sing happy birthday or to smell pancakes being made. But something very different was about to take place. She opened the door and I lifted my head off of the pillow and looked at her and she told me, “I’m taking your Dad to the hospital.”

I knew that it had to be something EXTREMELY serious and my Mom told me to just be with Sean and she will get a hold of me during the day. I remember still laying in my bed and telling my Mom, “You tell Dad that if he ‘kicks it’ on my birthday, I will be mad and kill him!” It WAS serious! my Dad started dialysis on my 21st birthday. So, I did not go out on my 21st birthday and instead went out twice for my 22nd birthday and that’s probably some thing I will recount in a blog post this month.

As for the birthday pancakes this year, I can’t chew food that early in the day so I won’t have “Birthday Pancakes” this year either.