“Hold Up, Wait a Minute!”

So, I had some difficulty falling to sleep last night so I decided to scroll through target.co, because I had just placed two orders for necessities when I got paid. I decided to scroll through the search history for Burt’s Bees gift sets again. At about 3:30 in the morning, I saw this:

When I saw that, I heard a song in my head from one that I had to be like eight years old. I should have scrolled through more completely when I received my Social Security so I would have added that one to my chapsticks when I got my Christmas and New Year’s chapstick pack. I would have seen this one and I would’ve ordered it!

If you look in this picture, the box that is the second one from the bottom is my Christmas/New Year’s box of chapsticks but remember that I said yesterday that I don’t use the yellow ones because those are peppermint and four Winter flavors I just ordered, the red is peppermint as well. I definitely can find different places for them in order to put the shortbread cookie flavor in. The day after Thanksgiving is reserved for ginger spice and I wear that all the way until the day after Christmas because Ginger spice reminds me of my Abuela because of the candy she always had in her house at Christmas.

But when I saw this flavor of chapstick that would totally fit with my winter and New Year’s flavors, I’m DEFINITELY ordering that when I get my next check! I will probably post a review on it! It was after three in the morning but I was singing this song in my head as I drifted off to sleep. I remember hearing it coming from the basement of my house when I was a child because my older brothers will listen to it: