A Game

I received a Target order today. When I awakened, I saw the notification on my phone. In this shipment, my seasonal chapstick collection is complete! I figured out the right words to search when looking at target.com for chapstick. It’s under “Burt’s bees gift sets.” So now, I have all the chapsticks I need for the entire year and I will replenish them as needed. I already know that I will need to order more pomegranate flavored Chapstick around March or maybe even February. I use vanilla bean and pomegranate between seasons. If it is cold, I use vanilla bean but if it’s feeling warmer, I use pomegranate. I think it’s silly that I do this but my brother, Jimmy, got me these really cool boxes when we were quarantined for me in the beginning of the pandemic. They had my gum in them and my chapsticks fit in there perfectly! I don’t use the yellow ones because they are peppermint and the red one is peppermint as well but I have been toying with the idea of having chapstick on the table by my bed because just before I fall asleep, sometimes my lips dry out. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with that but I don’t want to waste them!

I gathered all of my chapstick boxes and before I arranged them, I sang James Taylor in my head. That song always reminds me of my cousinT Shannon! From the bottom to the top of the picture, it is, “winter, spring, summer, fall.”:

I was having difficulty trying to find a title for this blog post and I didn’t want to call it, “James Taylor”so I thought about the fact that I am spending so much time thinking about the type of chapstick that I use. I have nothing but time now that I no longer work and MS is raging through me so I can just make that a game because I apply so much chapstick because for whatever reason, my lips get really dry and cracked without applying chapstick very liberally all day long. I’ve told my Mom that my body is shutting down but she really doesn’t like me to say it like that and if I can avoid thinking about that by looking at my chapsticks, so be it.