Oh, How Times Have Changed?!

Recently, my Mom and I were talking and she asked me when I started waking up at 4:30 in the morning to get ready for work. I thought about it and I told her that I’m pretty sure I started waking up early in 2009 when I bought my house. She kind of thought for a moment and marveled at the fact that I seriously used to do that every single weekday!

We were quiet for a moment after we both realized that I seriously would wake up at 4:30 in the morning! We were silent just for a minute and then we both started to laugh! I could not ever imagine waking up that early in the morning now! It’s crazy how much times have changed! I never thought it would be this much change but here we are.

My Mom called the office for the speech pathologist today. I gave her my medical record number and she did the talking. The woman does not have availability until October at about noon. My Mom explained how we need appointments later in the day. So my appointment with the speech pathologist is November 9 in order to get a decent time slot.

We will just need to make minor adjustments to our routine. I just well wash my hair the day before my appointment. That’s another thing that has changed! For my entire time working, I wash my hair every single morning. Actually, I will take that back. There was one day when my power was out for a week and me and Sean had to stay in a hotel.

It was before I got my generator and I remember sitting in the teachers lounge at lunch and talking to Mr. Cooper. He asked me how it was going with me not having an power. I looked at him and pointed to my head and told him, “THIS is dirty hair!“ I remember him laughing and telling me that it didn’t look bad. Well, I will go with that and go out in public with my hair not being washed! But I’ve already done that a few times at this point.

It is really CRAZY how timed have changed because I used to wash my hair every day and now I can’t even wash it myself!