The Lyrics

Based on my previous YouTube search history, I received some germs this morning because Big Brother Has yet to disappoint me. My Mom asked me if I was going to cry EVERY time I heard this song (she was talking about, “One”). As I wiped The tears off of my face, I just simply said, “Probably.” At that point I had cried hearing both the U2 version and Johnny Cash a couple days ago. So today, this showed up in my YouTube feed and I HAD to share it on Facebook!:

Hearing both of these voices singing The words to this song warmed my heart! My two oldest brothers slept in the basement and I would hear various U2 songs as I fall asleep so Bono‘s voice is very comforting to me and whenever I hear Johnny Cash, I think of my Dad with fondness! As I watched this video, another version showed up and I remember sharing this version sometime ago:

And then I watched this one and I really think it’s the lyrics that get me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!! ! (regardless of who is singing!) Some of these lines pierce my soul at make my heart burst!:

So now, I can hear duets of Bono and Johnny Cash or Bono and Mary J. anytime I want and just Johnny Cash and just Bono so I will have four options to choose from when I want to hear this song!:

So, when my Mom asked me if I was going to cry every time I heard this song, after hearing these four versions my, “Probably” is now a, “Definitely.!” I appreciate the Johnny Cash cover and the duos with both Mary J and Johnny Cash but there is nothing like the original: