He Laughed.

I posted this meme on Facebook not too long ago:

I posted it because this is COMPLETELY me! I’ve been talking to my Mom about me possibly getting a house plant. My kitchen gets a lot of sunlight and I’ve been kicking around than ideal.

I talked with Sean yesterday and I mentioned this fact to him. I said, ”I’m thinking about getting implant.” And I waited for his reply.

He laughed. Kind of hard! Hearing him laugh made me laugh! Sean has known me for his entire life and he knows firsthand that my thumbs are black and I kill every plant in my possession!

in my defense, my Dad had JUST died! I am so sad that I do not have ANY plans from his funeral anymore. It’s just a thought I have had recently. I told Sean about a commercial I saw for Urban Stems. He continued to laugh and told me that the flowers are shaking because they’re afraid of coming home with me!

When I think about it, maybe he is correct. maybe I should start with a Chia pet? Do they have elephants?