“What’s Up, Four Eyes?!”

First and foremost, I want to say that as an adult and the youngest of five children, I 100% know that ALL of my brothers love me!!!

I am not going to lie, however, growing up, that love was NOT always apparent to me! I have lived through much torment at the hands of my older brothers! I don’t want to belabor that fact but, whether it was getting my name written on my bald head as a baby, My head being wrapped in masking tape when I was young, being pushed and causing me to flip over the couch and land on the carpet while I stood with my thigh and knee on the arm while I watch TV in the living room, or even me having to give one of them a left hook to the eye when I warned him if he continued to bother me that that would happen!

But, now that we are all adults (AND I am the only one of us still in our 30s!) I am confident that they all love me and I love all of them!!!

With that being said, I have discovered that when I am watching TV or using my phone, I need to wear my glasses. The prism helps me to see more clearly. Well, yesterday, my brother, Dave, was on a FaceTime call with my Mom and she turned the camera toward me to show my brother that I started wearing glasses again. He did not waste any time once he saw me, he asked, “What’s up, Four Eyes?!” We both began to laugh and he let me know that he had no problem flipping me over the couch which made us laugh even more!!!