Late Night Addendum to “A Prism…”

So my eyes were a bit wonky and while writing my blog post, my phone had a glitch and it was lost twice so I had to re-speak my writing into my phone. Now, I am still rocking an iPhone 7s and it works for me. I don’t have money to get a new phone anyway but sometimes it gets glitchy because it is so many years old. As I am laying in bed not really sleeping yet, I reread my blog post I wrote earlier to edit it. I am extremely embarrassed that there were so many errors! For that I apologize profusely!!!

One thing I did notice was that a picture I tried to insert into my post didn’t let me and I think that’s because I over-cropped it. This is the picture I wanted to insert and my previous blog post:

Karen is standing in the front row and is the second person from the left. She is wearing the blue blouse and checkered skirt with penny loafers. She chose to wear her regular glasses (I think) and put her reading glasses? around her neck. I haven’t read this book for 30 years but I think that’s how I remember it.

I haven’t worn glasses in so long but I specifically remember this book normalizing wearing glasses and I liked it because by that time, I had glasses!

And, sorry about the errors! I truly AM embarrassed!