S’More Camping Fun

I think it was a couple years ago when Sean commented on the fact that was a good idea that I have always gotten sentimental ornaments each year for our tree. It kind of felt cool to hear him saying that! I am a very sentimental person and I didn’t specifically for him to notice but I just didn’t think that he noticed for his entire life. I was just doing it because I wanted that great memory!

Over this past weekend, I was able to take advantage of the Black Friday specials in terms of ordering ornaments online. I picked out all of the ornaments that I wanted but the one that I wanted the most was only available in stores.

I called three local hallmark stores and by chance, the third store had one ornament available still! I told them that I will have my son come pick it up that day, yesterday. After I spoke with them, I called Sean to ask him to pick it up. He did but he had plans for the fight so he was not able to bring it yesterday so he dropped it off today.

When I called him yesterday, I told him about the ornament and how that was the special one for this year. And as I spoke with him, I sent him a picture of it:

I told him that that was us from so many years ago and we both laughed about my marshmallow falling into the fire! He now knows how important these ornament choices are for me and I appreciate that he went and picked it up from Woodhaven. My tree is still bare but I can’t wait to put it up on my tree! I have to find a spot for it because most of my ornaments have assigned seats.