“And Push on Through the Pain”

Well, it’s the end of Thanksgiving weekend and even though I am still eating leftovers, my back is still hurting me. I guess it is stress! And even though I wrote that in my life it’s a bowl of cherries, it’s really not. Feel free to CashApp me $50! i’m kidding!

this morning as I tried to gather myself, I thought of it Gavin Degraw song. A song that I listen to when I was living in our second apartment in lot. It doesn’t really go with how I am feeling but there is a line that I am hearing over and over in my head. I no longer drive but I’ll post the entire verse here:

So that is what I am doing right now, I have to push on through the pain because I have a tree decoration to supervise! And I still have to post my All-Time Christmas Faves this year. So, I just need a minute to, “Grab my guts” and to put on through the pain!

here’s the whole song anyway even though it does not fit with how I’m feeling today: